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  • Hi Bob, sorry for the troubles you encounter. Christian Marin is also known as "cm" on these pages ... I'm sure he will reply ASAP.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi all, Well, I may have spoken just a bit too soon as far as the full solution to the problem goes. I encountered a failure to load once again. However, this time closing PT and re-opening it, it then went OK. Also, the split-second warning was just that little bit slower this time so that I could see the words "custom data", but that is all I could see. Does that help solving the mistery a bit? The fact that the situation is greatly improved by removing one firewire drive together with Nick's comments certainly points in the direction of the firewire drives. I will soon be switching to a Mac Pro, as soon as Spectrasonics have "really" solved the problem with the universal binary for Trilogy and Atmosphere, so in the meantime I guess I'll just have to sweat it out for a while. When I switch I will definitely go the SATA way for samples too. Thanks again, look forward to hearing what "cm" has to say. Best regards, Bob.

  • Now that you mention custom data, have you tried relocating your custom data folder inside the Directory Manager? I once had some problems with the custom data path after unhooking my firewire drive that I use to stream VSL off. Pointing to the correct folder again solved my trouble. 

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    @nick.halliwell said:

    Anything to add Christian? Come on, I know you're out there...


    hey guys, sometimes i go out for a beer ot two and unfortunately this time it has been one of those cosy pubs ("gmiadliches beisl") which unfortunately (or better fortunately) don't have internet ... 😉


    RTAS on the G5 ... uhhh, must have slipped through my fingers, i thought it has been released for intel only ...


    to be honest: i don't believe RTAS on PPC will ever get to a state of reasonable performance (as far it relates to VI or a VSTtoRTAS wrapper) and though many PT users are in certain way stuck to their PPC hardware this doesn't have a future sooner or later.


    second side of the problem (firewire) ... well, basically not too bad, but miles away from sATA ... 2 FW-disks = double load 3 FW-disks = tripple load (for CPU and bus) and: you didn't mention if it is possibly a PT system with a FW-audio device (this would be the worst coincidence)


    sidenote: what can happen i had to notice yestrday - a seagate sATA 1TB in a FW enclosure (macpower oxford chip) gave me - you won't believe - 14 MB/s (PC) and 4,7 MB/s (!!!) on a macPro .... dammned ... the same disk delivers 72 MB/s directly attached to sATA. admttedly this is far the worst performance i have ever seen since 1995 or even earlier with ATA 1 IDE drives.


    if you have to stay on the PPC for some reason and have the chance to outsource the sampling to another machine i would do that, because i fear actually streamlining everything you won't get too far on the G5 ....


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • i forgot: there is no correlation between Directory Manager and firewire regarding indexing the content - volume remains volume.

    just make sure your energy settings are selected as *never allow this drive to sleep* what could cause problems.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hello cm, Thank you for getting back to me on this. I have had good experience with my vsl libraries (symphonic pro edition) and with the help and support I got so far, so I do not want to make a big thing out of this, but I need to point out the email below which was sent out by your company. I know a lot of people who would scream murder at your comments concerning the functionality of the vienna instruments on a PPC. The email below (I only copied the relevant part) was sent out October 9, 2007, and it is based on the information therein that I bought the special edition. Best regards, Bob. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Für den deutschen Newsletter bitte hier klicken! Dear Vienna Subscriber, Vienna Goes RTAS OS X! The new Vienna Instruments update 1.12 finally supports RTAS under OS X (Intel/PPC) and can be downloaded in your User Area! Minimum Requirements: Apple Mac PPC 2.0 Dual 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended) ViennaKey Depending on the hardware of your Pro Tools system you can expect the following performance: Apple Mac PPC 2.0 Dual OS X 10.4.10 4 - 6 GB RAM / Pro Tools 7.3.1 with Mbox Hard Drive: FW 800 LaCie 300, 7200 rpm Performance: 4 - 6 Vienna Instruments instances Apple Mac Pro 2x 2.66GHz Dual Core Intel Xeon OS X 10.4.10 6 - 8 GB RAM / Pro Tools 7.3.1 with Mbox Hard Drive: SATA 750 GB, 7.200 rpm Performance: 20 - 26 Vienna Instruments instances Further bugfixes Vienna Instruments 1.12: Pedal usage in legato mode fixed Maintenance core updates Now online: Vienna Special Edition Training Videos Have fun! Best wishes from Vienna , Your Vienna Symphonic Library Team

  • the personal milage might vary, but i for myself do not consider 4-6 instances as *reasonable performance*, though of course it is nice to have at least a few instruments running directly on the host, but this is how to read *you don't get too far* above


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Songman,

    I already asked you this in one of my mails:

    What happens when you create a new and empty Pro Tools session without any audio files or other plug-in´s? Please try to load only a small patch into VI. Does that work? Does Vienna Instruments Standalone work (set to "built in Audio")?

    The above performance details are the result of tests on a "freshly installed" Mac PPC and no other plug-in´s were loaded in that Pro Tools session and there were no audio files.

    Best, Maya

  • Hello Maya, Thanks for getting back to me on this, it had slipped my attention. As a matter of fact it works just fine when you are building a session. I have not gone above 4 separate stereo tracks, each with an instrument on it with a very simple patch (about 20-60 Mb each) on a real session. Also with a new session without any other instruments or audio I was able without any problem to create 8 stereo tracks and have them play quite loaded and dense midi without problems. The only problem I have is recalling a complete real session with many audio, aux, instrument tracks. Then sometimes this error -which I still have not been able to fully read - pops up and PT hangs. It is better now that I have removed a 3rd firewire drive though. By the way, my audio does not come from a firewire drive but from a second internal SATA, the firewire drive only have samples. Thanks, cheers, Bob.

  • Hi Bob,

    It's me again. Sorry, I'm still reeling from the revelation that Christian "goes out occasionally". [:)] 

    Another thing to look at - if you haven't already - is your Playback setup in PT. Each VI instance is stereo so it uses 2 RTAS voices. If you're also using lots of RTAS plug-ins in your sessions then this can also be a factor. Another thing is whether you're using any other instruments which are streaming samples or data from your FW drives. 

    Bottom line, though, is that you'll get far, far better performance on a MacPro with 3 SATA drives. I suspect I'm working similarly to yourself in that I also have a number of audio tracks and things running alongside a number of VI (or VE) instances. A lot of the people on this forum are, I suspect, essentially composers, so they're working primarily with MIDI sequencing of VIs. But then PT is much more of an audio-focussed app, of course: anyone working primarily with MIDI is going to better off with Logic, Cubase, etc. or one of the notation packages. Personally I prefer PT precisely because of its audio features and the beautiful simplicity of the Edit/Mix window paradigm.

    As I say, with a MacPro quad 2.66 and 3xSATA, one for each basic task, I'm getting excellent performance. It's worth planning things a bit - when tracking I try to use TDM versions of plug-ins as far as possible because at that point my audio track count is fairly low (maybe 12-16 typically) so that way I can reserve as many of the RTAS resources as possible for my VI instances. 

    Anyway, as we do seem to be working fairly similarly, feel free to contact me again to compare notes.


    Mac Mini M2 16Gb RAM 500Gb int. SSD 2Tb ext. SSD Pro Tools/Mixbus An awful lot of VI, Synchron-ised and Synchron libraries, amongst others. VSL user since 2003.
  • Hi Nick, Thanks again for getting back to me on this this. I couldn't agree with you more concerning the simplicity and beauty of PT. I started off years ago with Logic and never felt happy with it. I really do not care for the considerably greater midi power either, PT is quite OK for me. Of course there are some things that could be improved but nothing dramatic as far as my way of working is concerned. As far as RTAS load is concerned, nothing too drastic in that department. I run on two processors, almost all plugins are TDM and I never have more than about 4-5 RTAS instruments running. The meter also never goes above the 35-40% mark. Now with regard to the Vienna instrument. Actually it is working very well, even with my PPC Quad, once the session is opened, so it is not so much the actual operation of the plugin or that it would be overloading my system. The only problem I have encountered, and which when I still had that 3rd firewire drive was really crippling, was the re-opening of a session. Now just today I had the problem again, just once, and the error message stayed long enough to be able to read the first line which said: "custom data folder inaccessible". That folder (empty) was in my home directory. I now moved it to the same location as the Vienna samples on the firewire disk and ran the directory tool to make clear where everything was. I'll see how that goes. Cheers, Bob