Hi Bob,
Well, Christian (Marin) is the bloke to talk to about stuff like this but I know he doesn't recommend FW disks for samples because it was on his recommendation that I added a third SATA HD just to hold samples a while back, I now use a FW one only for backups at the end of each session. My guess - only a guess, mind - is that Directory Manager was having trouble distinguishing between your different FW disks. As I'm not a VSL member of staff I'm not privy to how it all works but they certainly do recommend keeping VI samples on an internal disk and they generally have good reasons for their recommendations. Of course it is possible to run from FW - I did so for quite a while and hit no real problems. But since going down the SATA route there's been a definite improvement in things like sample load times and overall performance.
So if I were you I'd add a third SATA HD and keep your samples there. They're pretty cheap nowadays: I paid around £120 for a 750Gb Seagate a few weeks ago and if you're in the US then it's probably a lot cheaper. You'll get better streaming performance from SATA than from FW.
Either way it does sound as though that was the problem and, assuming it is, I'm glad it's one with a fairly simple solution.
Anything to add Christian? Come on, I know you're out there... [:)]
Mac Mini M2 16Gb RAM 500Gb int. SSD 2Tb ext. SSD Pro Tools/Mixbus An awful lot of VI, Synchron-ised and Synchron libraries, amongst others. VSL user since 2003.