Well, rgames,
After several hours, I'm making some headway in finding at least a little consistency. VE definitely stops receiving midi. Whenever I load more than 13 channels in a standalone VE and save this as a project, the project won't re-open with midi working correctly. In fact VE is not recognizingn any midi at all when I open a project that has 14 channels with a matrix in each. If I have 13 channels loaded and save this as a project, it re-opens and works fine with midi. This has been consistent and is why my other slave hasn't displayed the problem -- because it's only had 10 channels loaded at most. IWhen I loaded 14 channels into it, the midi stopped working upon re-opening the saved project. Incidentally, if I don't save the project file, I can load up to 16 channels and everything works ok. It's just once I save the file, and re-open it that the midi stops. So, I guess I will contact tech support with this info and see if there something weird going on.
Below (if you want to read it) is a bit of stream of consiousness writing I did while experimenting. It may help explain in more detail about my setup and what I did. I'm going to bed now.... my hard drives have had a time of it tonight...and so have I.
1. I have a 5.7 GB VE project file with 15 midi channels, one matrix loaded into each. This project file will load into VE but midi doesn't seem to be working. Midi is leaving Sonar 7 and going out the DAW's midisport 4x4 and then to the slave machine. But VE does not pick up any midi! (incidentally, I can play the patches from the VE keyboard by mouse-clicking, so I know my audio is OK)
2. However, if instead, I start from a clean slate (nothing loaded and full RAM in VE), I can individually load the same matrices as above into VE by hand, and the midi DOES work correctly. It's just once I save it as a project midi won't work. But this hasn't been true for all projects -- smaller projects with less midi channels load ok.
3. So, to experiment, I've decided to load the individual matrices one at a time, AND SAVE a new project file after each additional matrix. In other words, I load my matrix Flute 01, then save the project as Project Flute 01, reboot the computer, start VE, then reload the saved Project Flute 01. If all goes well, I add another matrix (say, Oboe 01), save both matrices as a new project (Project Flute 01 Oboe 01), reboot, start VE and reload Project Flute 01 Oboe 01, then add another matrix, save, etc. etc.
...you can imagine how long this is taking once several instruments are loaded..... keep imagining....I'm loading up midi channel 13 right now, and so far so good (even on such an unlucky number)....
Ok. It broke on midi channel 14. After saving the 14th matrix, and then reloading that Project (with 14 midi channels), the midi stopped responding. Now, I'm thinking that why my other machine may be working fine is because I have only 10 midi channels loaded. hmmm.......just confirmed, the other slave loses midi connectivity at channel 14 loaded.....