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  • Again, it's economics.

    I understand the confusion that a boxed and shipped item should surely cost more than one transferable via the internet. 

    However, bear in mind the time and cost of assembling such a huge and comprehensive sample library. To keep the prices of their products as low as possible VSL can't offer retailers the same margins that other companies can. To keep retailers happy with selling VSL products VSL couldn't possibly incentivise [b]not[/b] buying from those retailers. It also wouldn't be fair on those retailers who have supported VSL in the past - such high priced goods are a risky item to sell. I met a guy in Amsterdam whotold me that somebody hasd ordered Opus 1 from him so got it in - but the guy never showed up to buy it and so the retailer was stuck with a 700e doorstop.

    You can buy the SE for e345 with nice box and a cd in case anything goes wrong. You were happy with it before, please continue being happy with it. 

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    @Camolino said:

    I think I'll wait till a boxed VI SE Plus becomes available... 


    The VSL folks haven't said anything about releasing VI SE+ in a box.  So I don't know if they're planning to do that.  However, just my two cents, but I think it would be cool if they released a VI SE+ in a box that also contained VI SE+ Ext. in which the installation, and registration would be the same as all their other boxed sets.  That way I can immediately use VI SE+ out of the box (have VI SE+ Ext. on my HD) and later purchase VI SE+ Ext. by just buying the registration number which is normally emailed as a pdf. It's really a great system, I say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    Hmmm, what do you think VSL? I understand the philosophy of having an installment plan for those who don't want to fork up all the money at once, but I don't understand why someone would want to make a DONATION to VSL by purchasing all at once the entire download-able product at a higher price when the same boxed version is cheaper (thinking of VI SE Stnd. DOWNLOAD for 460 EUR versus VI SE Stnd. BOXED for 345 EUR).

    It is VERY OBVIOUS that VI SE Stnd. BOXED is cheaper and the same thing as VI SE Stnd. DOWNLOAD.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with my VI SE BOXED!  I love it!  The VI SE DOWNLOAD option has no impact on me what so ever, so why should I be so concerned about the price difference between VI SE BOXED vs. VI SE DOWNLOAD?  Well, I guess the question going through my mind (and clearly others as well) is, would a boxed VI SE+ (if released) be cheaper than the VI SE+ DOWNLOAD? Seems to me like it should be, since you have demonstrated this to be the case when comparing the VI SE Stnd. BOXED vs. DOWNLOAD.

    You have to admit, on the consumer side of things, it appears very suspect.

    P.S.  I have to say though, the other new products (instruments) in the download area seem more suited to downloading because you don't have to download 54-56 different modules (kind of cumbersome) and appear reasonably priced.  The upright bass seems pretty awesome to me! 

  •  As Herb pointed out, VSL SE Standard downloable version can be purchased in one payment for those people who live in areas where they there are not retailers, or the prices are too high. If you can have it boxed in a shop next to your home (or via Musicstore, thomann, dolphinmusic...)  paying more for downloading it is of course a no-sense.

  • Hi. I intend do buy the SE and subscribe the Se+. In the future I want to gradually upgrade to the full VSL library. Is there a big difference in terms of price, when you do it that way, compared to buying the strings, winds, brass and percussion package all at once? In other words: When you buy the standard Edition and order the standard plus, is there a VIP discount on let's say the full strings package for the samples you already have? I apologize, if that has already been asked, but I couldn't find an answer here to this rather ovious question. I would really like to see a transparent overview of the VIP system, that tells me, how prices of your products relate to others.

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    @Banquo said:

    You can buy the SE for e345 with nice box and a cd in case anything goes wrong. You were happy with it before, please continue being happy with it. 


    You bet!

    YOU buy the 460 EUR version. WE buy the 345 EUR one.



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    @Banquo said:

    Again, it's economics.


    I understand the confusion that a boxed and shipped item should surely cost more than one transferable via the internet. 


    However, bear in mind the time and cost of assembling such a huge and comprehensive sample library. To keep the prices of their products as low as possible VSL can't offer retailers the same margins that other companies can.
    Sure... but following that line of thought - with a product available direct from the manufacturer, there are no 3rd party "margins" to consider. VSL could in fact offer the downloads directly to customers for the same price as the boxed versions available from the distributers, yet still make more money per copy sold than they would make from boxed copy sales. It's the same content at the same price, but it would generate more profit per sale than a boxed copy. The part that is most peculiar is the amount (40% !!) by which they have hiked up the price for downloading the entire bundle at once - it's artificially high.

  • This is true. I guess they're talked about it and are just trying it out to see what the response is like. Heh, can you imagine how long it would take to download the SC? 

    550,000,000 mb @ .3 meg a second (irish ransfer rates)

  • I for one recently decided to finally crossgrade my good old Opus to SE full, and am expecting the delivery soon. 

    And I was at first enthusiast about the release of this SE Standard +, because of repetitions and "new" articulations....

    But, reading the content more carefully,

    I'm now a bit surprised and sad to see what "SE Standard +" actually offers for 460€  (same price as the SE Extended library, and only for the "all packages at once" option) :

    In fact, "Standard +" is indeed the right name, unfortunately, because it has only extra articulations for the SE standard instruments....

    (and some of those articulations are just "basic" ones, like the (short) detache 0,3s, which were part of the old Opus 1, and are missing in SE for some mysterious reason)


    this makes some kind of sense because it is intended partly for subscribers who get just the standard library. But in their case, it's IMO a bit pricy....

    But what about "full SE" users who are warmly invited on the product's page to join the buy of this extra package ?

    Does it mean that they have to also expect an "SE Extended +" later on, at €460 once again for download, just to get the the same level of articulations for their Extended lib instruments ?

    My opinion : a lower price would be wiser for the "standard only +" expansion.

    And €460 would be a more realistic price for the "extended+standard +" one.... 

    Unless maybe an "SE Part 2" V.I on dvd is planned, which would offer a Standard + lib, and an Extended + lib, preferably at way less than €920....

    In this case, it would be good to know..... 

  • More than 85% of the sample content in SE-Standard+ is new content, because the major part are the performance-repetitions, which were never included in any Opus product or in SE, and these were the most wanted samples for many users. 

    SE-Standard and SE-Standard+ do offer now 65.000 samples. (plus 38,000 samples in SE-Extended)



  • Prices do seem off for some. But only thing i could come up with is all the new server hardware and storage to make the download possible. For all the users. Compare to this website. That going to be a project in itself. Maybe that where all the extra money is going. Just an idea. Funny the older you get the more xmas present you have to buy yourself. Well the good stuff you want. lol

  • Hello Herb,

    thanks for the comments.

    Be sure that I do respect your work, and the quality of your libraries.

    And I do appreciate that the perf reps -leg & spicc- are provided in this package.

    It's simply that I'm a bit frustrated that all the "common" instruments on the extended library (winds and brass mainly) are left out of this upgrade path....

    Speaking of the fast repetitions, this is something I never used, because I can't see how to really benefit of them :

    they indeed seem just like short phrases to me (like the drum loops used to be), and their fixed tempo is quite a limitation, making it almost imopossible to use in a "natural" way outside the given tempo.....

    unless I misunderstand their purpose, and maybe have missed something important in the VI engine which can control them more satisfactoryly.

    So can you, or someone else, tell me how they are intended to be used ? 

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    @sirbellog said:

    Speaking of the fast repetitions, this is something I never used, because I can't see how to really benefit of them :

    they indeed seem just like short phrases to me (like the drum loops used to be), and their fixed tempo is quite a limitation, making it almost imopossible to use in a "natural" way outside the given tempo.....

    unless I misunderstand their purpose, and maybe have missed something important in the VI engine which can control them more satisfactoryly.

    So can you, or someone else, tell me how they are intended to be used ? 

    Actually, you'll fid that they are very useful. If you want fast upbeats of various sorts no player would play them exactly at the tempo and would usually play them faster. There are enough different tempi available that they cover most needs. I use them quite often.

    Of course if it really worries you, they can always be timestretched.


  • It's called Standard Plus library and not Extended Plus library, therefor only instruments of the Standard library are included.

    The fast repetitions are extremely useful for fast double, triple or quatruple repetitions .

    At a fast speed and only using a few repetitions the samples are have a lot of flexebility and don't have to match exactly a certain BPM speed.

    Also it's very difficult to perform fast repetitions on a keyboard. (it's pretty easy for a string or wind instrument), so this is maybe the only chance for many keyboard players to perform fast repetitions easely on a keyboard.



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    @CplusE said:

    Prices do seem off for some. But only thing i could come up with is all the new server hardware and storage to make the download possible. For all the users. Compare to this website. That going to be a project in itself. Maybe that where all the extra money is going. Just an idea. Funny the older you get the more xmas present you have to buy yourself. Well the good stuff you want. lol

    To me (and to my wallet) it's worth to wait for a boxed (= cheaper) version.

    Drive safe: bad times on the horizon...


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    @CplusE said:

    Prices do seem off for some. But only thing i could come up with is all the new server hardware and storage to make the download possible. For all the users. Compare to this website. That going to be a project in itself. Maybe that where all the extra money is going. Just an idea. Funny the older you get the more xmas present you have to buy yourself. Well the good stuff you want. lol
    I don't think the cost for putting up the downloads would be a much of factor if any at all. They already have a web site with downloading going on.

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    @CplusE said:

    Prices do seem off for some. But only thing i could come up with is all the new server hardware and storage to make the download possible. For all the users. Compare to this website. That going to be a project in itself. Maybe that where all the extra money is going. Just an idea. Funny the older you get the more xmas present you have to buy yourself. Well the good stuff you want. lol

    To me (and to my wallet) it's worth to wait for a boxed (= cheaper) version.

    Drive safe: bad times on the horizon...


    Camolino!  The is the second time you've said that you are going to wait for the BOXED SE+ and yet NO ONE has said that VSL is going to release a BOXED SE+. Has someone from VSL told you that they are going to release a BOXED SE+, or are you just speculating this?


  • ETA on when they'll be ready for download?

  • I just hope that prior to the release of the "revisited" guitars, new audio demos showing the new possibilities/samples/patches, will be posted !

    The Upright sounds very nice, and i'll very ikely buy it, but before "upgrading" from Horizon to Classical and Overdrive VI, I'd like to be sure that it's a real improvement.

    I also secretly hope that XMAs time may bring a "time-limited" special offer for all those downloadable instruments....  

  • I was hoping that VSL might launch the Overdrive VI complete with 'unprocessed' patches - this would have made it much more versatile IMO but alas, it looks like that's not the case. Still looks a pretty reasonable price though.

  • I totally agree. Why on earth would I (or anybody) want just one sound? - rather like releasing a synth with just one preset and no knobs! Also, running DI'd or preamped signals into amp/ cab sims creates very realistic results anyway - as note transitions get blurred etc ... even simple home made guitar sample instruments can sound quite realistic (where they sound very fake listened to 'dry'). So if you could get all the VI wizardry (legato etc) paying into an amp/cab sim you would have a very realistic instrument indeed - and a flexible (ie USEFUL) one too!

    Guitar sounds are a matter of taste and I personally can't stand the VSL electric guitar sound - no offence! [:)] Even if I loved it I would not want to use the same sound over and over on every project! Maybe there is a target market for it and I am just not in it - ie I own and play a guitar, I make guitar based music and I have amp sims already - it's probably not desingned for someone like me.

    I don't mean to complain - I still love VSL ...  [:#]