Again, it's economics.
I understand the confusion that a boxed and shipped item should surely cost more than one transferable via the internet.
However, bear in mind the time and cost of assembling such a huge and comprehensive sample library. To keep the prices of their products as low as possible VSL can't offer retailers the same margins that other companies can. To keep retailers happy with selling VSL products VSL couldn't possibly incentivise [b]not[/b] buying from those retailers. It also wouldn't be fair on those retailers who have supported VSL in the past - such high priced goods are a risky item to sell. I met a guy in Amsterdam whotold me that somebody hasd ordered Opus 1 from him so got it in - but the guy never showed up to buy it and so the retailer was stuck with a 700e doorstop.
You can buy the SE for e345 with nice box and a cd in case anything goes wrong. You were happy with it before, please continue being happy with it.