Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Okay, now I've had it. I can't have a full orchestral pallet loaded into my G5 with 16 GB RAM, I can't seem to get VE to work without it crashing my session, when I have gotten it to work I can't seem to figure out how to make it so that each instrument has it's own channel. I don't know what else to do as I feel as though I have tried everything. I have had nothing but problems and issues with the VSL ever since I purchased it towards the end of the summer and I have upgraded, re-configured, and tried everything suggested to get this freaking library to work properly. The idea of the technology is superior, the samples are amazing, but the execution really seems to suck. Can someone please, please, please help restore my faith in this company and it's products. Everything seems to just be an absolute process and hassle. All I want to be able to do is load a full orchestral template into Logic 8 and have it work so that I can compose and record music for orchestra. It's that simple. Isn't this the reason why we have have all bought this library? Why are so many of us having problems? I'm not an idiot, I've been working with technology and music software programs for years and have never had anything that is so expensive be such a pain to use in a practical functioning manner. Can someone offer me a conversation on the phone to help walk me through a process to see if it's me that's the problem or is it indeed that the VSL is just too problematic and doesn't function properly with the majority of systems out there? Thank you all. Chad

  • Chad, My system is quite similar and i have managed to get quite large palettes open.I can't get VE to work well inside Logic 8, though that doesn't bother me particularily.The beauty of VE to me is in the standalone which is very stable ,can be opened once in the morning (large orch) and you can then open Logic with a substantial amount of VI's as needed for each cue. You are experiencing a memory ceiling in Logic 8 and VE plugin, both of which are still very new so it can be frustrating but in my opinion VE is not really the problem, apart from latency which i haven't figured out yet. Are you trying to load every articulation for all instruments?.If this is the case i'd suggest starting small and build up. Also as a previous poster suggested you should try open 1 or more Standalone VE'S.This will involve setting up IAC'S in your OSX Audio midi setup(remembering to terminate your IAC'S!!!) and routing your audio back to logic(has to be done if you wanna mix)! but there are a couple of nifty ways to do this, either by optical cables and s/pdif or by routing through Soundflower or JackOSX but maybe you don't need to do this. With 16 gb of ram you should be able to open several instances of VE standalones by copying the app and fill each one to it's 2.5 gb limit. I'm guessing the struggle is mostly with Logic which is marvellous but tricky to setup and very , very bug infested at the moment.. Let me know if i can help you get it set up. Ray

  • Ah Ha! Ray, thanks for jumping in on this. If you've got a moment I would really appreciate a walk through on this set up. Let me know how and when and I will be there. Perhaps through this we can help some other folks out there realize the full potential of this software. Again, thank you and much appreciated.

  • No Prob Chad, I'm online all day (GMT) . Ray

  • Hey Ray, Alright, I'm almost there. I have set up VE as a stand alone with samples loaded. I went into the IAC and set it up so that the different buses would show up in Logic. I went into Logic and set up some MIDI tracks and selected the buses to correspond with the VE stand alone samples. I can see that this is going to work but my only problem now is that I've got a MIDI feedback loop. I clicked on the MIDI track to get "reassign track object" and have gone to the "click and ports" layer in the sub menu. It's my understanding that I need to disconnect the physical input cables from the recording and thru object which will disconnect the IAC bus which will stop the loop. My problem is that when I select the "click and ports" layer the only option it gives me is "input notes." I can't seem to get to the graphic page that would allow me to make the necessary disconnects. Is there another way? Thanks again. Chad

  • Ok , the way i do it is to open an environment, in the top left choose clicks and ports if you see your "physical input' all well and good otherwise choose it from the "new ' menu.In physical input you will sea all your IAC's.from the new menu open a monitor.Now run cables from all the IAC's to the monitor.That should do it!!! R

  • Ray, you the man!! Everything is working great and I can't believe I finally have a full Orchestral pallet with some flexibility. Thanks for stepping in here and bringing me to the light. What an education! Thanks again, Chad. Chad

  • Chad, I am here to serve..... Delighted you got it up and running-told you Logic was the troublemaker!... I stumbled on that IAC thing after days chewing my knuckles.. Now, having similar systems i'd be keen to know if you have any problems with latency on the standalone-that's my only issue with it now and i think i read here somewhere that they are working on it..Basically whatever the latency setting on the VE standalone it feels much bigger when playing and on playback.I've tested it by sending EXS 24 out and back in and also with "The Grand2" standalone but these don't seem to have the same problem. Keep well, Ray

  • Hi Chad (et. al)

    Can I ask how you're getting audio out of your standalone instances of Vienna Ensemble back into Logic 8?

    I'm having such nightmares with the plugin versions of VE and there appears to be no guarantee of an update any time soon, so perhaps the standalone method is the way to go.   The sticking point seems to be getting audio back into Logic.  I'd rather do it in software than route via hardware, so am I right in thinking this requires the use of Jack or SoundFlower?  Is this terribly complicated, or could a numbskull like myself figure it out?

    Thanks for any help


  • Jules, I was using Jack (couldn't figure how to route audio back to logic with soundflower).It's not too complicated once setup, but you do need to open a connection file after both Logic and VE have opened.It's very stable and the setup process is more transparent than Soundflower IMO. Right now i'm trying the Optical cable and s/pdif idea and it seems to be working fine.I'm doing this because i was tired of having to reopen the Jack connections all the time and Jack currently won't recognise a 2nd instance of VE(fix soon apparently).Also i wanted to see if it had any effect on latency. With Jack you need to install it, then name it as your device in Audio preferences.Then in Jack's Routing page you need to make the relevant connections between VE outputs and Logic inputs(you can make as many virtual in's/out's as you need in Jack pref's).You then save that setup and will need to reactivate it everytime you open an new VE. Bringing Audio back in to Logic is probably best done with the External instrument plugin on a software instrument track(i have them setup in groups, ww, brass etc).I found that bringing audio back in through Aux tracks didn't work as the Bus sends to Logic fx would cut out regularily. Ray

  • What's the optical/spdif idea?

    I'm trying to use more than one instance of VE with Jack, and it's causing problems with MIDI, not audio. Not sure if the audio works either. But when it does...oh man...very nice.

    I have another post, showing my problem. But seeing this makes me wonder. 

  • Optical cables can be run from certain audio interfaces or Mac's & PC's-You can run them to a separate audio card or route them directly back in to your interface.The same can be done with the s/pdif inputs and outputs on the back of the interface.E.g. , with a Motu 828 you can get an extra 5 stereo input's/ outputs using this method-Enough to return your audio as groups( WW,Brass, perc etc)?. Your problem is caused by the fact that Jack won't recognise the 2nd Instance(Apparently it will be sorted in the next Jackosx update).A workaround is to go into the Package contents of your 2nd VE copy(control click) in there you will see Vienna Ensemble in a Mac Os folder.If you rename this object and start the instance from in there you will find it shows up in Jack and your problems will be solved. Now, can anyone tell me how to break up my paragraph's on this Forum??

  • I use the Apogee Ensemble, which gives me both Optical outs and ins. 8 Tracks in/out. Seems like this is the best way to go even if there is an update to Jack, as Jack is another piece of software in the mix I dont' really want.

    I have spdif too, but I don't think it seperates the channels.

    Thanks for the help! 

  • Makes sense to keep it simple. Your s/pdif should give you another stereo pair....You shouldn't have any more problems with multiple instances. Let me know how your latency is?..

  • Hey Ray, Latency is a tad sluggish but it seems manageable for now. I will be writing and recording all day so I will let you know for sure how big of an issue it is. Thanks again, Chad

  •  Ray:

    It would be extremely helpful to other forum participants if you would write step by step directions for configuring and using Jack OSX - - going through each setting and dialog box.  If you have the time and inclination, I think many here would be most appreciative of your effort.


  • FYI, they have a beta download at their Yahoo club site, and I'm happy to say that is works with multiple instances of VE (audio and midi). I even tried to play about 40+tracks all at once and it doesn't top out on CPU yet.

    Still, since I have the ability I'm going for optic out/in since it'll eliminate a 3rd party app like that.

  • No Prob, I'll do the Jack setup later today step by step... Maybe we could all then come back with our thoughts re how latency compares between Jack v Optical etc...? Ray

  • Sure, and when you do that write up, don't miss teh following that I spent hours finding out lol

    1. If you are using Logic, you must set buffer size to 1024 on both Jack and Logic, or else audio will stutter.

    2. When selecting IAC ports in VE. If you run multiple instances, you must have all 4 selected in the options, and then just pick which one you need in the popup. This is because VE regardless of what copy, keeps the same settings in the preferences. So if you make one VE instance copy for IAC 1, and select JUST that in preferences. It will show up the same settings in your next copy

    3. Unless I"m mistaken, your pretty much forced to use a record enabled track in Logic to get the audio from VE standalone. Just record enable, and track protect the track so it doesn't unrecord enable itself when you select the MIDI tracks.

    Everything else worked for me. 

  • Mmm, I've had buffer sizes of 128/256 on both with no problem. It's true that you need to select all the VE IAC ports, but you only need to do it once!!. Regarding point 3 there are a number of ways to get audio in without record enabling tracks.The best way i've found ,as i mentioned above, is to use the External Instrument plug in on a new Audio instrument track.In this plugin you select the audio inputs you want to receive,ignore the IAC settings as you will already have set these up on your arrange page. The other method i know of is to open new Auxiliary tracks and specify the relevant inputs.This doesn't work too good though ,as the fx bus's fail. Jack setup coming shortly!!