Okay, now I've had it. I can't have a full orchestral pallet loaded into my G5 with 16 GB RAM, I can't seem to get VE to work without it crashing my session, when I have gotten it to work I can't seem to figure out how to make it so that each instrument has it's own channel. I don't know what else to do as I feel as though I have tried everything. I have had nothing but problems and issues with the VSL ever since I purchased it towards the end of the summer and I have upgraded, re-configured, and tried everything suggested to get this freaking library to work properly. The idea of the technology is superior, the samples are amazing, but the execution really seems to suck. Can someone please, please, please help restore my faith in this company and it's products. Everything seems to just be an absolute process and hassle. All I want to be able to do is load a full orchestral template into Logic 8 and have it work so that I can compose and record music for orchestra. It's that simple. Isn't this the reason why we have have all bought this library? Why are so many of us having problems? I'm not an idiot, I've been working with technology and music software programs for years and have never had anything that is so expensive be such a pain to use in a practical functioning manner. Can someone offer me a conversation on the phone to help walk me through a process to see if it's me that's the problem or is it indeed that the VSL is just too problematic and doesn't function properly with the majority of systems out there? Thank you all. Chad