Intel Pentium Core 2 Quad
4 Gb Ram
Windows XP
VI SPECIAL EDITION (Standard and Expanded) with EMSEMBLE
3 HardDrives (2 are Raided)
C:\ = System, D:\ = Sample Library (where VI is at), E:\ = Audio (Where SONAR files store outputted audio)
Hi, My name is Frank.
I recently acquired some knowledge on how to create my own patches for my emsemble needs. I created a VE File with over 14 instruments with complex matrices (well, complex to me), for example, an orchestra arrangement with 4 Woodwinds, 3 Brass, 5 Strings, Piano and Percussion, with the Woodwinds, Brass and Strings having a horizontal matrix of the different aritculations: Staccato, Legato, etc. with a vertical matrix moving from a single instrument to a section of the same instrument. So as you can imagine, there are a lot of files being loaded (almost 6-10 files for one matrix). I trust my machine can handle a lot... But for some reason, when I open VE and load up the vframe, it crashes. Then when I restart the program it loads up just fine. Then it may crash later for no reason. with simple actions such as minimizing the keyboard so that I can see VE's Mixing Console. My CPU never reaches 15% though!!! What is happening? Anyone else have this problrem? Thanks!!! [H] I love the Library! (Brilliant Matrix solution for switching articulations!)