How else would I play a sample library than with a keyboard? (??)
I did go in and edit the MIDI, however, so that the brass notes don't sustain as long or overlap.
People actually like lots of repetition as it’s catchy. If you do it right it can be very entertaining - having things weave in and out. It's a very good thing to have lots of repetition for film and video games, as it presents melodies and themes which stick in the viewers mind and bring up emotions later in the story to tie it together better, which is what I'm teaching myself to compose like. However, TOO much repetition, does, you're right, get annoying. So I've tried to find a balance. I actually think traditional, classical music can be boring sometimes (but not always), so it's all a matter of perspective. There is no right or wrong here...
One of the neat things about Gigastudio, for example, is that you can layer sampled instruments to get unique sounds. I've done the same with Vienna, in this case. I prefer to use a virtual instrument instead of a synthesizer because a synthesizer doesn't give you the same tone. As what I've created is far from electronic styled music... ;)
I like your idea of composing the piano piece first. That's the way that they show you how to do it in the demo videos that Vienna Symphonic Library has on this website. I think I'll try that next.
But, as I'm sure you know, "classical" music is dying out and being replaced with a more "rock orchestra" type sound for films and video games. This is what I'm going for. I don't think it's good or bad. It just is. But, I think it's also a lot of fun either way.