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  • Vienna instruments Special Edition on Sibelius 5

    hello guys.  I am planning on purchasing the special edition and sibelius.  Will these work together?  I know that sibelius 5 uses kontakt 2.

    and i have understood that you have made nki files for vienna instruemnts.  Have you made them for the special edition? 

    so, if i get sibelius 5 and the vsl special edition, will they work together so while i am notating a score i will hear the special edition play them back?

    i am doing A levels for music and music technolagy.  I am composing and arranging as coursework and i get marks for relization.  I thought the special edition and sibelius 5 will do the job nicely because the sound quality is....AMAZING!!!!  i just want to check with you guys before purchasing the items.

    Will they work together if i had the kontakt 2 files?

    Thanks very much


  • OK, you are getting you knickers in a twist on all this. Let me explain it more fully:

    1) Sibelius can be used with Special Edition.

    2) Sibelius K2 is not the same as NI K2, and neither of these can play Special Edition, which uses a proprietary player.

    3) There are no nki files for Vienna Instruments, only for the "legacy" Horizon Opus 1 and 2.


  • Timmy,

    Sibelius 5 works directly with the Vienna Instruments and you don't need to worry about Kontakt 2. SIB5 can host VSTs.

    So yes assuming your computer specs are up to it you should be able to make good music with SIB5 and VSL SE.

    Things are getting even better with the new software the Vienna Ensemble - except that it's only in the beta stage and there are problems with getting it to work with Sib5 which I haven't yet resolved.

    PS yer what DG said but without the reference to female underware.

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    @DaveTubaKing said:

    PS yer what DG said but without the reference to female underware.

    It's only female if a female is wearing it. Otherwise that would be sexist. [;)]


  • thanks for your help!  i prefer sibelius to finale no offence to anyone who is a finale fan.

    well my specs are  AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core 5200+  2gb of ddr2 ram but i may upgrade to 4gb for crysis

    nvidia geforce 8800gtx   Soundblaster audigy 4 pro 24 bit audio HD  and i own the yamaha motif ES8 workstation keyboard  and its connected via usb for midi!  oh yeah, does the vienna software support USB MIDI?

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    @Another User said:

    well my specs are  AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core 5200+  2gb of ddr2 ram but i may upgrade to 4gb for crysis

    nvidia geforce 8800gtx   Soundblaster audigy 4 pro 24 bit audio HD  and i own the yamaha motif ES8 workstation keyboard  and its connected via usb for midi!  oh yeah, does the vienna software support USB MIDI?

    Yes, a USB keyboard is no problem. Under normal circumstances I would say get more RAM, but as Sibelius is unable to address more than 2GB (without making it LAA; do a search for Laa-Ti-Doh) it might be a waste of money.


  • Sibelius 5.1 works very well with our Special Edition. The Sibelius guys already made a soundset which gets shipped with Sibelius 5.1.
    By using the Vienna Ensemble, working with Sibelius is much more comfortable than by just using multiple instances of the Vienna Instruments. So I would recommend downloading and installing it.

    However there is one tweak to the soundset one has to make before using it with the Vienna Ensemble, as it was designed for use with Vienna Instruments without Vienna Ensemble. Using either the Sound Set Editor by Sibelius or a text editor, change the Nubmer of MIDI channels (NumLanes) to 16 instead of 1.

    If your USB MIDI drivers are installed correctly, there should be no problem with our software.

    Andi Olszewski,
    Vienna Symphonic Library

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • LAA?? whats all this about?    What may be a waste of money   extra ram or what...?  please explain  i may be ordering the special edition in a couple of hours  so expect to receive some money  from my account.

    well im glad they work together  i will checkout the soundset script and change it when i get it installed. 

    in sibelius 4 i used garritan orch.  the way that worked was  i chose kontakt player  as the playback device and gpo 32 slot orch as the soundset.

    would it be something similar but with it being vienna ensemble as the soundset?

  • In Sibelius 5.1 choose the Vienna Ensemble as the playback device and the Special Edition Sound Set (edited as stated in my previous post) as your sound set.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @farmergiles12_25015 said:

    LAA?? whats all this about?    What may be a waste of money   extra ram or what...?  please explain  i may be ordering the special edition in a couple of hours  so expect to receive some money  from my account.

    You really need to do your own research, but as you're young, so I forgive you Grasshopper. [;)]

    Basically if an application is Large Address Aware, it means that it has been coded so that it can use more than the normal Windows limit of 2GB. Sequencers like Cubase and applications ;like Vienna Instruments are LAA, hence people using around 2.5-2.9GB of RAM with their Windows XP systems. However, Sibelius is not coded this way, and therefore you will not get more than around 1.6GB of samples loaded, so in this case more than 2GB of RAM on your PC would be a waste of money.

    Now just to make things more complicated, there is something called the /3GB switch which you type in your boot file for Windows which allows applications to use more than 2GB (of they are LAA). Thee is also a little application that will "hack" your program to make it LAA (and yes, it does work on Sibelius). So, if you are prepared to do a bit or research and get your hands dirty, you will be able to use up to around 2.7GB RAM if you have 4GB installed.


  • well gettings hands mucky sounds like a good idea.  i take total control of my pc so im prepared.   i hacked the school computers and messed their network  for a while but restored it at the ryt moment or used someone elses account so iv not been caught..yet!

    I NEED SOME DARK DOG!!!!!!!!!! lol  after my band tour  to itally and france in october im now addicted to DARK DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Andi, Andi, Andi!

    Your the first person I've heard whose got VE to work with SIB5.

    I'm having a big problem. I have downloaded VE several times and everytime put the VE.dll file in SIB VST pluging folders but SIB5 won't show VE as a playback device even after a rescan. I've deleted and reloaded the VE software a couple of times but still the same.

    Did you encounter any problems getting VE to show up as a playback device? and ideas?

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    @DaveTubaKing said:

    Andi, Andi, Andi!

    Your the first person I've heard whose got VE to work with SIB5.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait for proof. [:D]


  • well i will get a ram optimizer on the intsallation media.  is thta compatible with the vienna enesmble, so if it was, could i ues it to only load up the samples i want thereby using les ram?

  • Dave, for me it worked right from the start and I didn't encounter any problems. I did not put VE.dll or any other dll in the Sibelius VST plugins folder. In the playback devices menu in Sibelius you can tell Sibelius where your VST plugins folder is. So you don't have to duplicate any of your dlls.

    Hope that helps.

    farmergiles, I can not tell you if your ram optimizer (whatever it is) will be of any use. However we have a RAM optimizer built in our Vienna Instruments, which gets rid of all the samples that are not in use.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • thats the one im talking about andi  it was said on a video tutorial about ram optimization   i was hoping sibelius will use it since its built in:)


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    btw no need to calll me farmergiles just call me tim is my email and msn address

  • The way the optimiser works is that when you finish with an instrument you "play" it all the way through and it works out which samples you haven't used and dumps those, thereby freeing up RAM for other instruments. the snag is that you have to have completed one instrument before you optimise. I've never used it and I probably never will, 'cos how do I know I've finished until I have finished?

  • well put!!

    right, ive just placed the order for the standard and the extended librarry of the special edition.   will it be disptached from austria  or rae there any bases in the UK im hoping i can get it early next weak

  • It will come straight from Time and Space (in Devon). They are usually pretty quick about such things, so you may well get it early next week.

    Now not too much playing please. Mustn't forget to do your homework. [8-|]
