@Drilian said:
Do you have some kind of mystical shorthand that helps you scratch out parts on paper really quickly?
It has to start and take place in the mind first. I don't even start to do anything except thinking, not inputing and no writing to paper, this until a clear idea and concept is conceived. I could also fool around with the music, improvise as some forumites mention above, all very nice but most often a waste of precious time.
For example, regisseurs and art directors at advertising agencies demand to hear a proposition next day. After the art director explained what he has in mind, and the best directors always know what they want, they just have their own language to explain it to me as composer, at this point I start my sonic fantasy on the subject, thinking thru the storyboard and concept until the idea arises. This workflow forced me to be time efficient. It is a fact that when the pressure is right, you will never fail to come up with satisfying music for the clientele. I also had to learn that I'm not inspired at all when folks with no budget call me.
About orchestration as such; I find it very animating for the my personal sonic fantasy, to play or listen to selected piano solo music from other composers, this of course only when my mind is free of production stress. The bald truth of naked piano music from other composers not only permits me to extend my harmonic language in a very comfortable way, but, and that more important, leaves enough free room to apply my in real time thought instrumentation to the piano music.
Recently I bought the complete piano solo collection of fabulous composer Zdeněk Fibich. As practice I still equip music who has never been orchestrated before with instruments. To protect my sonic personality, I stay away from listening to music who is orchestrated.