@Austin Haynes said:
Thanks Musos for your reply. Can you tell me how I would go about doing that (try to re-configure the incoming CC 7 data as a different unused CC #) in my sequencer Cubase SX 3?
Austin- it has less to do with Cubase as long Cubase is set to receive and respond to controller data in general.
The most important thing is to make sure that your keyboard's controller nobs are programmed to send a specific CC number. If you don't know what CC numbers are being sent by the keyboard's nobs and buttons, do a test recording on a blank track, turning each nob or pressing each button. Cubase should at least show the data being entered, including the CC number.
From there, you assign the controller of your choice to the VI parameter of your choice-- either by using the Map Controller (in the VI Perform window)-- or by using the Learn feature (if that's already working for you...)