Just wondering if I should be using the strings differently. Have a listen.. in one of these, the viola section is performed by Opus 1. In the other, the violas are GOS Violas Grand Sustain.
Yes, I did re-record the MIDI for each of these versions.. it's not just a simple swap of samples for the violas. Why does the Opus viola sectoin sound so horrible? I suppose the legato strings are not as out-of-the-box plug-n-play as I once thought. It seems I might have to mix and match articulations to get a realistic string performance? Everything else in Opus really is right out of the box, load it up and play.. the legato woodwinds are amazing, so are the legato brass. But the legato strings leave me wanting more...
Yes, I did re-record the MIDI for each of these versions.. it's not just a simple swap of samples for the violas. Why does the Opus viola sectoin sound so horrible? I suppose the legato strings are not as out-of-the-box plug-n-play as I once thought. It seems I might have to mix and match articulations to get a realistic string performance? Everything else in Opus really is right out of the box, load it up and play.. the legato woodwinds are amazing, so are the legato brass. But the legato strings leave me wanting more...