I have tried the search engine and it came back with bubkus. In fact I just tried again...and again and again, but the results don't go beyond one page. It just gives me a message about no results for the query, or something, when I try to go to the next page.
Why wouild this topic be so touchy? I'm only asking how others are implementing 2nd violins. Is it one of those closely guarded trade secrets and people are sore about it getting out?
Anyway, if anyone can atleast direct me to a relevant thread, since I can't seem to find one with the search engine, I would appreciate it.
Why wouild this topic be so touchy? I'm only asking how others are implementing 2nd violins. Is it one of those closely guarded trade secrets and people are sore about it getting out?
Anyway, if anyone can atleast direct me to a relevant thread, since I can't seem to find one with the search engine, I would appreciate it.