For Giga (3) and Kontakt we are offering now new mapping versions in our USER AREA. EXS and Halion are coming soon.
With this new versions it's possible to use longer notes during a legato phase. In a nutshell: you can blend via modwheel-controller always to a sustained note.
The intervall (legato) samples are shorter than the starting notes (which are normal sustains), because there are 24 intervall samples for each key. It's very time consuming (and exhausting) to sample this legato performances, therefore the length of each note is factor during recording.
With this new versions it's possible to use longer notes during a legato phase. In a nutshell: you can blend via modwheel-controller always to a sustained note.
The intervall (legato) samples are shorter than the starting notes (which are normal sustains), because there are 24 intervall samples for each key. It's very time consuming (and exhausting) to sample this legato performances, therefore the length of each note is factor during recording.