things are certainly moving in the direction of some sort of hybrid
Gary Garritan has said that it's coming, but other than that, how is it obvious? I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm curious to know whether I've missed anything!
My uneducated guess is that most musicians will be using a hybrid of hybrids, at least for the next few years. Syn obviously does some things very well (violin), although the demos make me wonder whether some subtle nuances aren't missing - nuances that aren't missing from VSL (especially its winds, which to me are staggeringly good). I use a Yamaha VL1, which is a modelling synthesizer (no samples), for some things. VSL has carried "the new sampling" (meaning Giga and later) farther than anyone thought it could go. If I may be excused [;)], I also feel the multiple mic position idea has something to offer as well.
As a matter of fact, there are a couple - literally a couple [:)] - of DX-7 patches that I still use.
And so on.