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    @mike harper said:

    strings mostly hard to say at this point-
    The legato strings can indeed be somewhat problematic when trying to play faster lines. I don't have the pro edition, but it has a legato string grace patch I think which could resolve at least some of those problems.

    The same goes for other instruments, the legato grace files allow for very fast lines.

  • Just to answer the topic question:

    I think they are what made me buy VSL, and they are what makes me love VSL.


    Evan Evans

  • It might be nice to have an alternate performance legato tool that could use the non-performance sus and 0sus samples to automatically generate legato lines. That could provide a usable and possibly sometimes preferable alternative to the performance samples.

    I've found too, that performance legato tends to work well only on longer phrases. Could be because it's harder to nail the time threshold at faster playing speeds. Maybe if you do more programming instead of playing you don't get that problem. Or if you use the tool on already sequenced phrases, but I haven't tried that yet.

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    @yofish said:

    The legato instruments are not very usable when it comes to fast or even medium tempos.

    on this i would agree but my experience is still limited. i find myself
    having issues with fast passages w/ legato.

    On the contrary, I find the legato instruments great for fast passages (much better than the normal sustains). Make sure you are using perf-GRACE instruments for fast legato playing and Perf-legato for longer lines. My only wish is that the legato instruments crossfaded into looped sustains because the target notes are often short (especially in perf-grace).


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    @forester said:

    It might be nice to have an alternate performance legato tool that could use the non-performance sus and 0sus samples to automatically generate legato lines. That could provide a usable and possibly sometimes preferable alternative to the performance samples.

    That´s a very good idea! Would save lots of editing!

  • Is anyone else having this problem?: the Perf Grace notes patches (eg the violins piano patch) aren't triggering consistently in the perf tool. LEGATO is selected in the channel menu. Can't figure out why the patch doesn't perform the same way as the 'main' perf legato ones.

  • For all string (and brass instruments), the grace notes were only recorded for minor and major second.
    Therefor the largest intervall you can perform with the legato tool mapping is a minor third. (this should enable you to perform minor sharp scales).

    The woodwinds do have grace notes for all intervall steps (up to an octave).
    Therefore these instruments do have the same characteristics as normal legato instruments.


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    @Another User said:

    The repetition instruments are a big disappointment to me, but then I have only worked with the string versions. A have gotten the viola instrument to sort of work (sound authentic….) but that’s the only one, cello is by far the worst, almost unusable……. Tempo seams to be an issue her If one sticks to the original tempo +15-20% it seams to work (well almost) but faster tempos.....

    I tend to use the repetition samples by rendering them as an audio track within my sequencer and then cutting it up or time stretching as needed. Obviously the more different note pitches you need, the more rendered tracks one needs. But I find it so much easier to make use of these recordings working with the source audio as opposed to with the midi tool. For pieces with a large amount of same note repetitions, it is defintely worth the effort.

  • Jrm! and Herb
    Violine performance grace note. using the legato performance tool????

    Dosent say anyting about this in the manual (as far as I can see...? ).
    At this end it seems like the grace instrument is a Thru instrument.

    But transposing a semitone up and using the grace 01 instrument for fats legato lines ,sort of messes up the intonation in a way that remind me of tired musicians that play sort of sloppy..... quite usfull [:)]
    Thanks Brennan.

  • There are normal "grace" mappings, here the starting note is part of the samples, and these mappings have to be used without the performance tool (legato mode).

    And there are the "perf-leg_grace" mappings.
    Here the grace notes are prepared for the performance tool.
