Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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In the past 24 hours, we have 4 new thread(s), 10 new post(s) and 52 new user(s).

  • "it's not about what it might destroy, it's about what it might create."

    cm - f***ing a.

    You are so right.

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    @Another User said:

    Hugely impressed Dave!

    At the risk of making Bill catatonic, I seem to remember a band from Liverpool... Freddie & the Dreamers?


    Very important artists.

    Do they have any VSL demos here I can give a listen to?

    Dave Connor

    P.S. mathis - always my pleasure.

  • The greatest musicians of the twentieth century came fom Liverpool.

    sorry, Raiph, Gustav, Igor, Bernard and Dmitri...

  • One other thing, and this is not for Nafai23 whom I no longer will respond to but for any respectable musician who might read this -

    We are not trying to put classical musicians out of work! I am one. All my friends are also. We make no money these days, so we want to start making a little. Samples give us musicians another way of making money, not depriving them - I am recording right now a solo violin piece using both samples and a live player. The idea that sampling classical musicians puts them out of work is ludicrous. They were already put out of work, long ago. We are now trying to recover, and things including sampling are helping us. Symphony orchestras are having problems because they can't get audiences who want Britney Spears instead of Beethoven, not because of brilliant sample orchestral recordings like Andy's, eager to capture every nuance of Debussy. God bless every person who ever does that!

  • Absolutely William! You tell them.

    Besides, musicians are just composer's slaves! [8o|]

    I'll be glad when I can do it all myself ... THE RIGHT WAY!

    Evan Evans

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    @William said:

    The greatest musicians of the twentieth century came fom Liverpool.

    sorry, Raiph, Gustav, Igor, Bernard and Dmitri...

    Here it is folks: The best post I've ever seen on the forum - no kidding.

    Dave Connor

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    @Another User said:

    Cilla Black

    And Clint Black.

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    @William said:

    The greatest musicians of the twentieth century came fom Liverpool.

    sorry, Raiph, Gustav, Igor, Bernard and Dmitri...

    ...Ken Dodd and of course his Diddymen [H]

  • As a matter of fact, Cilla Black in her younger days.............had very nice legs. [8-)]

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    @dpcon said:

    [quote=PaulR] In fact the Queen Mary is there. How come we Yanks always end up with old bloated British cast-offs?

    Elizabeth Taylor?

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    last edited said:

    [quote=dpcon][quote=PaulR] In fact the Queen Mary is there. How come we Yanks always end up with old bloated British cast-offs?

    (a) I didn't post that and (b) Elizabeth Taylor is American

  • Born in Hampstead, London in 1932. Close enough for me - I didn't know her parents...

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    last edited said:

    Born in Hampstead, London in 1932. Close enough for me - I didn't know her parents...

    Good Lord. So was my mother. Do think they're related? [I]

    Oh, for God sake, Evan Evans was born on Alpha Centauri in 1847, but he's still an American! [6]

    PaulR (English with Scottish, Austrian and German Ancestry)

  • That explains a lot about Evan... [[:|]]

  • Heavens!

    An entire page of retorts to my silly post.

    Look, if Liz Taylor feels bloated she ought to take something for it.

    Alpha Centauri is in this galaxy so Evan could not possibly have been born there: ridiculous notion.

    Thanks to the Tuba King for properly identifying the band from Liverpool who now tower as colossal figures in 20th century music.

    Dave Connor

    P.S. Did we scare that poor chap out of here?

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    @nafai23 said:

    anyway..this snob will leave you guys alone now. I think the tech is great and andy did a great job of displaying that. This just got off topic.
    good luck to all and good bye

  • I really hate to see that. I don't think we should be so insular here as to keep people out unless they are less then civil. I hope it's not are own snobbery that won't tolerate other viewpoints - even highly critical ones.

    My own reaction the Nafai's comments was no reaction at all. It's exactly what I would expect from a player in an orchestra. In another thread I distinguished categorically between real orchestra's and samples with sole operator. I think it's fair to compare the two only in the sense that we are trying to get as close as possible to the real thing in all aspects. If someone comes along and says, " Very good but still lacking utterly for countless reasons (count 80 people/80 articulations per 16th note (Tutti)/80 souls/80 sons and daughters on and on.) I can't blame someone who sits in the middle of this to call a spade a spade (to them anyway.) So what!

    I'm thrilled with Andy's accomplishment. It's the new benchmark. But if you give me a choice between a good live orchestra and MIDI. I will go with the ensemble at a million to hundred ratio.

    But I'll probably do a mock up with VSL first.

    Dave Connor

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    @nafai23 said:

    anyway..this snob will leave you guys alone now. I think the tech is great and andy did a great job of displaying that. This just got off topic.
    good luck to all and good bye

    That poor chap scared me. Anyway, for myself, if I had any part in his forum demise, in my defence, I was very, very drunk at the time. [:O]ops:

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    @dpcon said:

    But if you give me a choice between a good live orchestra and MIDI. I will go with the ensemble at a million to hundred ratio. ... Dave Connor
    That's 10,000 to 1 for those less mathematically inclined.


    Evan Evans

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    @PaulR said:

    That poor chap scared me. Anyway, for myself, if I had any part in his forum demise, in my defence, I was very, very drunk at the time. [:O]ops:

    Okay Pauls come clean now what happenend to the rest?

