Here's a thought on the script reading issue. Since most working film composers must be locked up deal-wise well ahead of a film being shot, how do they decide interest without reading some draft of the script?
The other question is: how many great scores that we're all familiar with did the composer read the script first? We must assume many if not most. I would be interested in seeing Evan's list if this is actually documented.
btw I do not consider it a fantastic (unreal) notion that seeing a film with no prior knowledge would be not be ideal in some way. No doubt the script (as is very often true) may be miles and miles from the film's final feel.
I sort of like it as a creative approach but I can't imagine that an expert film composer is unaware of final product vrs. original script phenomenom or would be significently hampered by reading the script in advance.
Dave Connor
The other question is: how many great scores that we're all familiar with did the composer read the script first? We must assume many if not most. I would be interested in seeing Evan's list if this is actually documented.
btw I do not consider it a fantastic (unreal) notion that seeing a film with no prior knowledge would be not be ideal in some way. No doubt the script (as is very often true) may be miles and miles from the film's final feel.
I sort of like it as a creative approach but I can't imagine that an expert film composer is unaware of final product vrs. original script phenomenom or would be significently hampered by reading the script in advance.
Dave Connor