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  • The VSL Vidcast Show 001

    Yep .. I decided to do a Video Edition of the Podcast. This is kind of new for me so I'm having to really experiment with Video settings and such. Also my Camcorder is not really the best.

    And another problem is that my Podcast release software doesn't do Video so you'll have to go along to my site and download the vid yourselves. It is formatted for iPod Video and iTunes, so if you have Quicktime 7 you will be able to see it no problem.

    This took me quite a long time to put together .. and even longer to edit so I'm interested to know peoples opinions on the show. If you'd like to see more of these in the future I'll be happy to make more. It was nice being able to show .. rather than tell for a change.

    The video is 53.2 MB and may take a while to load up depending on your internet speed. It took my browser about 5 mins to load it up and I'm on a 2 MB connection .. so you'll have to bear with it. Also my site is kinda restricted in terms of bandwidth .. only 2 people can simultaneously download anything at any one time .. so I just ask you to be patient.

    As I say .. Opinions are welcome .. I hope you enjoy it. This show is a look at my studio .. and the setup that I use in Logic.

    Have fun.

  • Trying to download it but I fear that I'm not the first...

    This sounds like a fantastic new venture: hope to see it soon.

  • Just got it work: it's marvellous!!!

    Off to watch the video now...

  • P.S. Got half way through the vidcast: just a tiny query tho'.

    Would it not be be to save it as a .mov file then everybody could download it? At the moment you have only a .vidcast.html extension which (for me at least) only results in a Safari file which (of course) I can't open.

    Having said that I have no idea about video at all so forgive me if I'm totally off the mark.

    Sounds very good tho'...more please !!! [:P]

  • as far as i see it is an mov container using H264 codec + AAC, you'd need QT7 to view it ... don't try to download the .html-file, just open it

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I had to compress it down as far as I could .. and it is essentially a Quicktime movie. But qithout H.264 compression it's a couple of gigs. I can just stick the file on a page but I had tried to make it a presentation with Rapid weavers .. share .. options.

    If people have a problem downloading it then I'll just put the link to driectly download it on the page.

  • I get a Quicktime logo with a question mark inside. I can't control-click on it or anything (running Safari).

  • synthetic, this usually means you're missing a codec ... do you have QT7?
    here's another direct link

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks so much. That's fantastic. I really like the video!!


  • Hi everyone.

    The Vidcast page has now been changed. Christian Marin has been kind enough to host the Vidcast with all my other podcast files so now, hopefully, more people can get he file at once.

    And also I've changed it that you basically download it rather than have to wait for it to finish loading.

    There are two file versions .. a streaming version .. and the full Quicktime version. I hope the streaming version works, because for me my Mac still tries to download it all before it can be watched, but this may be due to how I have my QT set up.

    So, a big thanks to the VSL guys for hosting the vidcast and I hope this makes it easier for you all to get the show. The link is the same for the show page.

  • That's much better: I've now got you "full screen" on my 23 inch Apple display ( [[:|]] [:D] [H] ).

    Actually the video seems very good indeed (tho' I'm not an expert at all on these matters).

    Settlling down to watch it again...When do you envisage doing a Cecil B DeMille production [*-)]:

    Very well done indeed.

  • Hetoreyn,

    Fantastic - a wonderful an easy to follow guide. Pictures are worth at least a 1000 words [[;)]]


  • Glad you liked it. It certainly will make explaining things in the future much easier. And I now think I'm ready to show off my Ultimate mix topic very soon.

    By the way apologese to Guy Bacos for totally getting the name of that new piece wrong. It was suposed to be Sunrise, dream and nightmare ... I said "Sunset, Day dream and nightmare". Sorry about that .. guess I was a little nervous in front of the camera.

    It was weird getting used to the microphone .. but now I have to get used to a lens [:P]

    Anyways .. more to come .. and hopefully at a much higher quality.

  • That link worked, thanks. Watching it now. Hetoreyn looks nothing at all like I pictured. [:)]

  • Well done Hetoreyn!

    Are we going to have at some point a blooper episode?

    ...We're back!! [H] Now I'd like to play a piece by Guy Back-house, Ahhhh! F! #!%?&*CUT!!! [:@]

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    @Guy said:

    Well done Hetoreyn!

    Are we going to have at some point a blooper episode?

    ...We're back!! [H] Now I'd like to play a piece by Guy Back-house, Ahhhh! F! #!%?&*CUT!!! [:@]

    How is your name pronounced? Back-Es?

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    @Justus said:

    How is your name pronounced? Back-Es?


    But I wasn't making fun of any miss pronunciation, it was a random example... [[;)]]

  • Hetoreyn, a worthy development in the lifecycle of the VSL podcast!

    I would strongly caution you against what may seem like a natural development, now you've hit the big screen.

    Please, please, please, dear chap.
    No revolving disco ball, and,

    No spandex..... [[:|]]

    p.s. There are programs available for mac that 'view' directly from screen, including sound. I have snapz pro x, but there are others that may help with the screenshots of your computer program, and the points you make. Perhaps one of these would help bring us your valuable tips and tricks in glorious technicolour, and save you some degree of time trying to improve the visuals.



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    @Guy said:

    Well done Hetoreyn!

    Are we going to have at some point a blooper episode?

    ...We're back!! [H] Now I'd like to play a piece by Guy Back-house, Ahhhh! F! #!%?&*CUT!!! [:@]

    That happens more often than might might think. In fact I did think about doing a blooper reel for this very show considering how many scrrew ups there were. But I'm trying to keep myself within a modicum of professional [[:P]]

    Perhaps I'll do one later. I certainly had some good one's on the audio shows. I'll be speaking about something and then a massive belch would interupt .. quite funny, but also gross. [:D]

    Thanks for the hink Hermitage, though I make no promises about the spandex [[:P]] hehe.

    Funny, I didn't think of screenshots, So I'll certainly use that for the next show. I did also think about realtime screenviewer recorders .. but I didn't have time to look at them. I'll have a look into them in the future.

    Thanks for the comments people I'm gonna be working hard to get you better shows.

  • just to mention (and because i'm a big fan of built-in apps) - OS X has this great grab-utility for screenshots and screenmovies

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.