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  • Pitch Wheel chorusing

    Hi all
    I'm using the pitch wheel to modulate velocity crossfade but occassionally it produces a chorusing sound on the legato patches.
    I've tried turning off the pitch wheel amount from 200 to zero but still get it, any ideas where I'm going wrong?
    TIA Brolly

  • I would say pitchwheel is the least controller I would do velocity Xfades,
    any other continuos controller is OK.
    To remain at a middle position should be avoided, and that's the fixed position of the pitchwheel by default.


  • Hi Herb
    thanks, I've switched over to trying expression, but as I've only a mod & pitch wheel available, I'm drawing it in in Digital Performer after I've played it.

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    @brollyman said:

    Hi Herb
    thanks, I've switched over to trying expression, but as I've only a mod & pitch wheel available, I'm drawing it in in Digital Performer after I've played it.

    You should be able to assign velxfade to any controller (mod wheel). I would really suggest getting at least one foot pedal. All the best,


  • Sometimes the mod wheel seems to be already assigned to other things so I'm trying to find a universal controller that I can use exclusively for 'swelling'.
    I tried selecting 'controller 16' at random, Vienna instrument saw it no problem but I couldn't get Digital Performer to draw it.
    Being a guitar player I currently find it easier to perform expression after rather than during.
    I'm also recording the expression onto a seperate track & then freezing then loading the next sound. So for a string chord all the swells refer to the data track & so are universal .{for more reality I sometimes shift the continous data slightly}

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    @brollyman said:

    Sometimes the mod wheel seems to be already assigned to other things so I'm trying to find a universal controller that I can use exclusively for 'swelling'.
    I tried selecting 'controller 16' at random, Vienna instrument saw it no problem but I couldn't get Digital Performer to draw it.
    Being a guitar player I currently find it easier to perform expression after rather than during.
    I'm also recording the expression onto a seperate track & then freezing then loading the next sound. So for a string chord all the swells refer to the data track & so are universal .{for more reality I sometimes shift the continous data slightly}


    which version of DP are you using?

    There is a plugin which you not be aware of---

    If you open the Mixer, select a MIDI track of your choice.

    Make sure the inserts are visible on the MIDI channel strip

    Choose the plugin called "Reassign Continuous Data" and program your controllers for that channel accordingly.

    This plugin comes in handy for using a variety of virtual instruments where routing controller numbers from the instruments to the hardware controller can otherwise be tricky.

    You may want to check out other features associated with how Continuous Data is handled in DP-- a click here or there can simplify you workflow greatly.

  • I'm using 5.01 on the studio mac & 5.11 on my laptop, any info would be greatly appreciated.

  • brolly:

    There are a few things to look at in DP for routing MIDI data:

    1. In the Preferences Menu, go to Midi Solo and Patch Thru under "Play And Record". You will have options to choose Direct Echo or Auto Channelize.

    Direct Echo-- routes data from your controller to be "echoed" back out on the same channel where it was received

    Auto Channelize-- MIDI data is sent from the controller to the currently record-enabled MIDI track. This is my preferred setting.

    2. In DPs Setup Menu, choose Input Filter. You can select specific MIDI data to be recognized and other data to be ignored. You may also just choose Controllers: ALL to quickly activate all controllers without a lot of haggling. Later, you can edit this to recognize all controllers EXCEPT ones you specify or ONLY those controllers you want to have active. I just leave all controllers active and haven't had any problems.

    Once DP is set up to recognize control data and to "auto-channelize", you should be able to reassign a specific fader, knob, or wheel to your VI console. You may need to go back to your VI Console and reassign the X-Fade slider to your desired hardware controller fader, knob or wheel.

    3. As mentioned in my previous post, you may use the "Reassign Continuous Data" plugin on a mixer MIDI channel insert, or you may go to the Region Menu to choose "RCD" to the same effect.

    4. In the same Region Menu, you might also want to look at "Create Continous Data", which further enables you to set up behaviors for controllers which include various details of controller sensitivity.

    It's rather complex to guess why DP is not recognizing your preferred controller, but as you are working through this keep in mind that assigning the controller might be easier by just highlighting, clicking in, or activating whatever assignment button or window is dedicated to this process and then just moving your preferred fader, knob, or wheel. DP *should* see which hardware control fader/knob/wheel you want to use without a lot of numerical guesswork.

    5. Do a test of your controller data communication with DP. For every fader, knob, or wheel, create a unique MIDI track. Hit record and move one fader, knob, or wheel at a time. If DP and your control device are communicating, you will be able to confirm which control number is being received from each fader, knob or wheel by checking the individual tracks. Sometimes, control surfaces are not as passive as they might appear, and certain default setups on control surfaces may be designed to override commands coming from the host software.

    hope this helps

  • Hi JWL I found the plugin that you mentioned & it seems to be just the thing I need so thanks very much for pointing that out.
    We work similarly to use using auto channelize, re; the input filter we do filter out sysex but leave all controllers online.
    I can't do any tests today as we're mixing for a deadline but my plan is to use the plugin to reassign mod wheel info to expression. My hope is that the plugin will acually output 'expression data' rather than reread controller 1 info as 11. That way we can record in expression then remove the plugin & continue to use the mod wheel to step between patches.
    I still have no idea why DP couldn't see my controller 16 data. In the 'pen ' selection box you can select pitch, volume etc, regular controller numbers or 'other' I selected other & typed 16 into the box but it still offers the pen mod info.
    Many thanks once again

  • Buy a breath controller.