@Christian Marcussen said:
Agreed - the main strings could be improved (they are a bit too loud at times, and with a bit to hard attacks in places for my tastes)
The low volume arp strings in the begining sound good tough. How were these done? I always have a hard time making 1,2,1,2,1,2 parts sound good.
First, the strings were supposed to kind of poke out a bit ... to sound scary. Well, at least this was an artistic decision and not a limitation of the instruments. You could easily perform the strings differently, of course. Although, obviously, as with any performance, there's room for improvement! Yes, some of those attacks are too rough, for example. (BTW, I used only the dynamics in the samples themselves; there is no cross-fading between cells, and no midi diminuendos ... although I did use Volume to soften some of the attacks.)
I had really wanted to use the perf. trill for the arp strings ... which are violas that only oscillate between two pitchs, not really arpeggios ... so the trill instrument would have worked, BUT ... they are
muted violas, and there is no viola perf. trill instrument with mutes. Alas. Time to get creative again.
Actually, it was not really that creative. I just used the muted sustained violas' fast legato patch. The tricky part was to keep it from sounding too mechanical with all those repeated notes. So, the velocity layers vary a lot. And, the orchestration (with harp, and sometimes xylophone and piano) helps to mask the kind of midi-sounding viola parts.
If I had more time, I would have cleaned up those violins a bit more. I just noticed there's a spot where someone comes in about a beat too soon! If I find out who it was, they're moving back to last desk [:@]
- Paul
An interesting note about the creation of this original cue. When Jerry did this cue he took the strings and ran them back (real strings that is) through a set of speakers set up in the main room in the studio and then recorded the sound coming out of the speakers. This was done to create a "hyped" string sound. If you listen carefully, you'll hear that the strings sound a little odd, kinda a little cold and somewhat more edgy than a conventional string section recording.
Kinda of ironic really - here he has real strings recorded and he mangles them to make them sound a little synthetic - kinda of like what you might get with a sample library.
Appearantly, he was trying to get a more modern Hollywood sound at that time. Funny isn't it?