@Jerome said:
You can have all the "section" strings patches (violins I, violins II, violas, cellos, basses) and "full string" patches as well. Everybody wins!
I have chime in here in full support and agreement with Jerome. He's absolutely correct when he says that most fim composers use full string patches to sketch with. Most of us are working under incredible deadlines. Time is everything. I usually don't have time to play out every section individually when I'm just trying to sketch out different ideas. For composers that don't score for a living, maybe it not a concern, but guys like me and Jerome, having something as seemingly stupid and simple as a single full range string patch is a big deal. This is a tool we really need and use every single day.
So a full string patch in the various articulations would be very usefull - dare I say maybe even the most used on a daily basis. As it is now, I use sonic implants strings for sketches because VSL is lacking in these. What a shame really. I own the best and yet I can't really use it to sketch with, so I have use something else.
P.S - Jeeez William, did Jerome run over your dog or something? Because your replies are so completely out of line that I'm sure he must have done something horrible and wrong to your person. I can't imagine a sane and sensible person reacting like this in a thread about full string patches?