Thanks Maya - here's hoping it will be fixed soon.
I have recently bought an Intel Mac and downloaded the Intel compatible VSL Instrument application. I can't get it to work within Cubase 4, but have just found this thread which seems to imply there is a known issue with VSL Instrument and Cubase 4.
Please advise on whether I should uninstall the Instrument software and how I should go about this.
It would be sensible to alert users to this issue on your downloads page.
since some weeks have passed after the last information was given on when we
can expect an update i wanted to ask if there`s any news on this topic.
not being able to use my new solo strings on my macbook pro with cubase 4 is very frustrating for me. will there be a solution for the gui-problem soon?
i`m sure many mac users are waiting for it.
after all... cubase has been released quite some time ago, hasn`t it?
greetings from graz to vienna