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  • Short semi-rejected cue...

    Hi... finally something to share, even if its a little peice only.

    I started composing it but its far from the temp track that the client provided - and I know they want it close to the temp. So I figured I would share it here, rather with them [:D]

  • Am I dreaming, or did William ask if the choir was VSL's?

    In case it was asked, then yes.. everything in the peice, including choir is VSL.

  • Yeah, I deleted one post too many. That is a nice piece. The choir certainly sounds better than the usual wordless detached-note samples.

  • Indeed - the vsl choir is quite fantastic and pristine sounding.

  • Christian,

    Lots of parallel motion going on in there (octaves.) Easily alleviated with a little contrary motion even if only in the outer parts.

    Now go to your room and don't come out out till they're fixed.


  • True - I completed it fairly fast once I knew I would not sell it - so seeing as I dont have time to go back and fix it I would be happy if I could be let of of my room - just this once maybe? [:'(] [:D]

  • Oh, okay... run along along. Be a good boy from now on.

  • yes daddy [:O]ops:

  • Dave, I have to confess that once, after a theory class explaining the evils of parallel intervals, I went home and wrote a melody harmonized with PARALLEL FIFTHS ON EVERY NOTE.

    I never told anyone until now. The Evil Melody is still among my papers, hidden, yes, but still lurking there, in the shadows. I am making this confession to you, in hopes of finally releasing myself from the torment that has haunted me through the years.

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    @William said:

    Dave, I have to confess that once, after a theory class explaining the evils of parallel intervals, I went home and wrote a melody harmonized with PARALLEL FIFTHS ON EVERY NOTE.

    I never told anyone until now. The Evil Melody is still among my papers, hidden, yes, but still lurking there, in the shadows. I am making this confession to you, in hopes of finally releasing myself from the torment that has haunted me through the years.

    Please tell me you jest? Surely there aren't teachers around that actually use the word "evil" with parallel fifths? It would make nearly all 20th century "serious" music evil! They can be stylistically bland when used carelessly, because they "stand out", but equally they can be incredibly powerful and effective for precisely the same reason.

    Now repeat after me: "I will find ways to enjoy parallel fifths at least once a week, and will find opportunities to use them effectively in my compositions"... [[;)]]

  • William,

    My composition teacher Hal Johnson was probably one of the best teachers that ever taught any subject: a full blown master. He had this musical phrase that was the example for every lesson (dozens upon dozens.) He would use it in whatever the current context by developing or extending or reharmonizing or on and on etc., etc. After a good number of lessons he pointed out that the passage contained parallel fifths. Very deliberately undoing what he new was firmly established in all his students by their prior education in University or whatever. He was showing that nothing is sacred and rigid adherance to a law or rule is not freedom at all. Clever fellow.

    I respond only to sound and then try to find out what the problem is after the fact. Really no different to hearing anything (like an out of tune sample) that is not working or is sounding bad. So go ahead and post that piece and call it The Fifths of William.

  • Well yeah, I was joking. Dave is always right about theory.

    Maybe I will post that piece, though I have to make a new recording of it. It was written when I was 14. Actually it contains almost every parallel I could do (at least tonally) - 5ths, 4ths, octaves, but NO THIRDS OR SIXTHS (since they were permissible).

  • being sometimes naive about musical convention, does parallel fifths mean one jug in each hand? if so, i can see their constructive musical application...

  • Well, those particular fifths are parallel to begin with, but become increasingly contrapuntal as the evening wears on.

  • Thay can also lead to a parallel universe of sorts.

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    @dpcon said:

    Thay can also lead to a parallel universe of sorts.

    or to a Counter-Earth permanently hidden behind the sun...


  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on