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  • Orch. Strings problem on Powerbook G4

    I just purchased Orchestral Strings I and II but they are basically unplayable. Way too many clicks and pops. Any ideas of what could cause this? I'm running these on a 1.67 Ghz G4 with 1.5 Gig in RAM. I know it is not a very powerful computer but I'm surprised I cannot play even a single patch well. Some patches have more problems than others, especially when I turn on the Vel XF and use it with the modwheel. For example, Vlns. stacatto long aren't that bad, but if I turn on the Vel XF the clicks and pops start. The interval perf. legato even without the Vel XF has too many clicks and pops. Remember here that I'm talking about a single patch and not even a Matrix with many patches. I've been able to load projects using up to 10 or even more tracks all at the same time in DP (using the VSL files that come with Kontakt2, EastWest stuff and Spectrasonics) and never had any problems at all. Up to now I haven't been able to play I patch well with VI even using it as stand alone with no other applications open. Any answers to this?

  • Forgot to tell you, I have my library installed on a LaCie firewire drive and I use the MOTU 828MKII as audio interface.

  • welcome arosales,
    hopefully your FWdisk is not too full - i'd say you should look to have ~20% free space on it to make sure the samples are not stored in the slowest region of the disk. any other firewire devices on the bus catching bandwidth?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • VI is very power-hungry. Try increasing your sequencer's buffer.


  • I struggle with getting a decent string section working properly with no other instruments on my G5 2.5 Dual tower. Seems a lot to expect from a G4 PB.... I can't even entertain that notion.

  • Thank you all for your responses. As a matter of fact I've tried increasing the buffer but it didn't do any good. As far as the power needed to have a good string section, I am aware that but I'm not going to able to load a lot of patches into a matrix on my G4 and expect them to play properly (that's why I'm getting a new computer in the next couple months) but I am talking about that I can't even play one single patch. This G4 should be able to play at least a few patches isn't it? I'll try to free up some space on my FW drive to see if that helps.

  • Oh, by the way - is the drive after or before the 828? Just wondering.


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    @arosales said:

    Thank you all for your responses. As a matter of fact I've tried increasing the buffer but it didn't do any good. As far as the power needed to have a good string section, I am aware that but I'm not going to able to load a lot of patches into a matrix on my G4 and expect them to play properly (that's why I'm getting a new computer in the next couple months) but I am talking about that I can't even play one single patch. This G4 should be able to play at least a few patches isn't it? I'll try to free up some space on my FW drive to see if that helps.

    Defragging and maintaining active hard drives (those that are always being used for read and write rather than just for streaming only) is always a good thing.

    I have two G4s and I really think that processor just doesn't have enough muscle to get the job done properly. It will run, but but it won't get a medal.

  • Jerome, what do you mean by after or before the 828?
    Funny thing happened, I started a new DP session with 4 VI instances. I loaded 3 patches in my VLNS. and 1 patch in my violas, cellos and basses and they are playing ok. Just a few hours ago I was having trouble with just one patch (especially if I used the mod wheel for Vel XF) and now I have several all with the Vel XF on and everything seems to be working ok. I wonder what happened?
    By the way, thanks for the advice about defragging the drive JWL, I'll try that as well.

  • I was wondering if your FireWire drive was daisy chained with the 828, and if it was "between" the 828 and the laptop, or "after" the 828.

    Once, I had many problems with Firewire, and I realized that it depended on where all the elements were located in the chain.


  • No I have the 828 in the FW400 port and the FW Drive on the 800 one.
    I opened my yesterday's DP session and added more instruments and it seems to be performing ok. Its wierd, but in the good sense that now I am able to load an play a couple of instruments with different articulations.