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  • beat, you could try to configure G-Data (which i also do not know unfortunately) to _not_ scan TCP-calls to localhost (this should be the default setting for any firewall) and possibly exclude all sound-data files (or the location where they reside) from beeing scanned during file-access.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    beat, you could try to configure G-Data (which i also do not know unfortunately) to _not_ scan TCP-calls to localhost (this should be the default setting for any firewall) and possibly exclude all sound-data files (or the location where they reside) from beeing scanned during file-access.

    Gibt es eine Zeit, wo Du nicht arbeitest? Es ist Samstag Abend - Zeit für den Ausgang!!!
    Thanks anyway for the information. I'm going to try your proposal. I also have the possibiity to switch off the "Wächter" of G-Data for some minutes with the "security suite" itself...

    Nice Ausgang! [[;)]]

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • I've encountered licenses that won't allow themselves to be transfered to other dongles. Apparently it's a feature.

    Quite honesty I've found that the VSL/Syncrosoft system works absolutely fine on a consistent basis (long first scan issues notwithstanding). But that hasn't at all been my experience with every Syncrosoft-protected program. I have a couple of Steinberg or Steinberg OEM programs that either run intermittently or that simply refuse to run on my G5. Cubase 3 will not work. Period. The Scarbee Rhodes and Imperial Drums both work fine on one of my Windows machines, but only about 50% of the time on my main G5 - with the same dongle. I've been over this with Syncrosoft at great length; the fellow I corresponded with is very nice and helpful, but we weren't able to get this working properly.

    And most Syncrosoft-protected instruments will crash the host violently if the dongle isn't attached and you try to insert them.

    Being a journalist I try to tread carefully where peoples' livelihoods are concerned, so I'll leave it at this: there's still a lot of work that needs to be done to make this situation tenable. I happen to know of a developer who was forced to return a couple of customers' purchases because of dongle issues. That's just nuts.

    Off the top of my head, VSL is probably the most expensive piece of music software on the planet - with good reason - so waiting a couple of minutes to launch it isn't unreasonable; clearly, they need to protect their investment. But that isn't the case with a $300 library.

    Edit: to be clear, I have something like nine Syncrosoft dongles (yeah, I need to consolidate), and most of the programs work fine. It's the ones that don't work that cause the shouting, of course.

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    @Another User said:

    Es ist Samstag Abend - Zeit für den Ausgang!!!
    ich war ohnehin gestern ein bisschen streunen und forum lesen ist mehr entspannung als arbeit [;)]

    usually we do not recommend to have a firewall or anti-virus application on a music machine at all, but certain setups might request to have them.
    in such a case i'd consider to use the windows XP SP2 firewall for best performance and least trouble and excluding sample data from beeing scanned.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • As I understand it, the best system is to use a router as a firewall between your cable or DSL modem and computer (or network switch).