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  • MIDIoverLAN & Logic?

    Sorry for this one guys. I have the VI's distributed between 2 Macs with Logic Pro 7.2.3 loaded on them, both synced via MIDIoverLAN, and everything is working just fine. My question is this: I activated 40 Ports however, Logic only shows a total of 16. Is that the limit in Logic using this setup, or do I have to deal with Logic's dreaded Environment to get more port options?

    If so, please be specific in outlining what I must do. Thanks for responding.

  • Sounds like you need to create some MIDI instruments in the environment. It's not that scary. Just open a bottle of wine, light some candles, and you should have it sussed out by morning. [;)]

  • Hey... where did you activate all the ports? In MidiOverLan? Did you make sure that you activated them as Midi Out and not only as Midi In? Otherwise, they won't show up as available Midi Ports Out on a midi track...

    As soon as a Midi Output is activated in MidiOverLan, it's supposed to show up in Logic automatically.


  • Interesting. The outputs 11-28 are activated, but 31-88 won't activate for some reason. They are configured exactly like the one's that work.

    Wow. It's never easy. Any suggestions?

  • Jerome, I activated the MIDI outs the same way, in the MolCpIII Control Panel, but apparently only the 1st 16 are responding, even when I test it. Any ideas?

  • Is this the new version that doesn't use IP addresses?

    If so I might not be able help you, because they should just show up in Logic as separate ports (port 11, 12, ...). Does Audio MIDI Setup see them all on both machines?

  • And I recommend that you stop dreading the Logic environment, because everything other than understanding the different types of audio objects is very simple. The click and ports layer, where the MIDI interface shows up, is completely intuitive.

  • I agree with Nick regarding the Environment.

    In this specific case though, I don't think this is related with the Environment... they should show up automatically... that's really weird...


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    @gjfontenette said:

    Jerome, I activated the MIDI outs the same way, in the MolCpIII Control Panel, but apparently only the 1st 16 are responding, even when I test it. Any ideas?

    Do you have any filters on them?

  • Nick, It is the new version 3.0.1, . . . I just don't get it, it should show up in Logic. In Audio MIDI Setup, only 1 MIDI device shows up called "MolCp III Driver" and it has the MIDI ports 11-28. That's it.

    I know what you are saying about the Environment window is correct, but I just spent the day trying to sync my machines via Ethernet using Audio MIDI Setup and Logic went crazy. I spent the whole day trying to get the right configuration in Logic's Environment. I'm almost over it now though. [H]

  • Nick, It is the new version 3.0.1, . . . I just don't get it, it should show up in Logic. In Audio MIDI Setup, only 1 MIDI device shows up called "MolCp III Driver" and it has the MIDI ports 11-28. That's it.

    I know what you are saying about the Environment window is correct, but I just spent the day trying to sync my machines via Ethernet using Audio MIDI Setup and Logic went crazy. I spent the whole day trying to get the right configuration in Logic's Environment. I'm almost over it now though. [H]

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    @gjfontenette said:

    Jerome, I activated the MIDI outs the same way, in the MolCpIII Control Panel, but apparently only the 1st 16 are responding, even when I test it. Any ideas?

    Do you have any filters on them?

    What do you mean? I am using a D-Link DGS-2205 Gigabit Switch with Cat5e cables. I do have a router but it is not in the direct path of either Mac.

  • Eurica! Simple solution. Just rebooted everything and everything is prefect. When in doubt, . . . reboot. [H]

  • Glad I could help. [:)]

    And now that you're not in a panic, you might want to poke around the environment. You can build a custom mixer with just what you want, save that as a screenset, and really make life easy. Then you can set up your pallet so you just command/click on the instrument you want and have it load onto the currently selected track.

    It's intimidating at first, but you'll like it once you figure it out - and as I said, that really isn't very difficult.

  • Thanks Nick, I'm on it. [H]

    By the way, . . . Love the magazine. Not a subscriber yet, but I've been buying them off the stands.

  • Thanks, I appreciate it.

  • Well, not so fast fellas. VI's are loaded and ready to go, but, . . . I have 2 problems.

    The first: The slave is receiving MIDI from the DAW, and I can record just fine; however, no matter what track I move to in the DAW using a MolCp III port, I only get the sound of the currently highlighted track in the Slave. In fact, any track I record on or highlight, in the DAW using a MolCp III port, will only play the currently highlighted track in the Slave.

    Note: On the DAW, I created instruments in the Environment (Instruments Page)and routed their output ports to corresponding MolCp III ports sequentially. On the slave, these ports are not available for *audio instruments*, nor MIDI instruments.

    I tried creating a couple of instruments on the Click & Ports page but the MolCpIII ports did not show up as an option. I did see them in the *Physical Input* object, but no place else.

    How do I get 1 port, 1 instrument from DAW to Slave?

    The second is: How do get the audio from my slave into my DAW in a, more stream lined way? On my DAW I have Digi's 192 I/O and on my slave I have an Apogee Rosetta 200 w/an X-FireWire Card. Digi's HW does not see the Optical or S/PDIF that I am sending to it, and it will not accept word clock from the Apogee. I'd like to keep everything digital.

    That's it. [*-)]

  • Hey... what do you use as a host in your slave?


  • I am using Logic in the DAW and Logic in the slave.

  • That's how Logic normally works, gj - all incoming MIDI is directed to the track that's highlighted. You need to go into File->Song Settings->Recording and select Auto Demix by Channel if Multitrack Recording. Then record-enable all the tracks you want to address and assign them different MIDI channels.