Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • VI KeySwitcher

    Hello Folks,

    I'd like to announce the public beta release of my keyswitching utility, the "VI KeySwitcher 1.0". This simple little app is designed to help VI users select and enter articulations into the Logic Matrix Edit Window, and can be run as a standalone or a plug-in.
    It can also be a great help as a visual template and guide for designing new instruments!

    The tool is designed to work with Logic Pro, and I've been using it without issue for the past couple of weeks. Have a look at the manual first, if you're curious:

    If it looks like something you could use, you can download it here:

    Any questions, suggestions, or problems should _not_ be reported here on the VSL VI Forum, but should be emailed to "support*at*".

    I hope it helps you as much as it's helped me.

    Cheers, and have fun.


    NOTE: There is a button at the bottom-right corner of the main window called "Logic Fix". This is a little safe-guard to make sure matrix keyswtiches are sent _before_ the other keyswitches. It involves setting up a midi remote function, but it's dead-easy to do. If you click the "Logic Fix" button, there are clear instructions provided.

    Also, if anybody has some space where they can provide a mirror I'd really appreciate it. It's being served from my crappy little homemade Redhat server, and bandwidth isn't quite what it should be! [;)]


  • In case anyone tried to access my site yesterday without success, the server was down. All appears to be well again today.

