I think we need a step by step tutorial and links to the relevant sites / third party software, plus some diagrams and screen shots would help ! [[:)]]
This is a very clever and excellent work around by the way, congratulations to the masterminds behind it. I agree, VSL should release a standalone version with the option of selecting a different output - we're not asking them to implement this workaround as an officially supported feature, just quietly allow a standalone to support *choosing* the output (as opposed to multiple outputs) - they can even say "we don't support this work around we are just adding a tiny little bit more functionality to the stand alone in case people would need to use it" [[:)]]
Of course by now I imagine they are hard at work on the 64bit version of the server??!! But then again who knows when Leopard + Cubase / Logic + VI will be a workable up to standard and reliable set up?? It could take many months after the initial release of leopard before it's all bug free, and it will probably be the Cubase / Logic side of things that will take the longest to be worked out. Armchair speculation of course...
This is a very clever and excellent work around by the way, congratulations to the masterminds behind it. I agree, VSL should release a standalone version with the option of selecting a different output - we're not asking them to implement this workaround as an officially supported feature, just quietly allow a standalone to support *choosing* the output (as opposed to multiple outputs) - they can even say "we don't support this work around we are just adding a tiny little bit more functionality to the stand alone in case people would need to use it" [[:)]]
Of course by now I imagine they are hard at work on the 64bit version of the server??!! But then again who knows when Leopard + Cubase / Logic + VI will be a workable up to standard and reliable set up?? It could take many months after the initial release of leopard before it's all bug free, and it will probably be the Cubase / Logic side of things that will take the longest to be worked out. Armchair speculation of course...