Yes, and the standalone doesn't have any midi channel settings, so that must be worked out in Logic... but that's not a big deal. I'm actually thinking it might make sense to blow some fairly major dough on a Mac Pro this holiday season!
I don't suppose there's any good reason why this wouldn't work on an Intel Mac...(??)
My current G5 should still make a good host... but do you know whether the old G5-as-a-host popping and crackling issue was ever resolved? (Or whether it was ever actually an issue, in the sense of being consistent across different users, machines, and so on).
I don't suppose there's any good reason why this wouldn't work on an Intel Mac...(??)
My current G5 should still make a good host... but do you know whether the old G5-as-a-host popping and crackling issue was ever resolved? (Or whether it was ever actually an issue, in the sense of being consistent across different users, machines, and so on).