Thank God, I'm not the only one!
I have been using Cubase SX 4 on a Windows machine for the last month and have noticed a few interesting bugs, some of which I'm sure are VST 3 related, although the VI's orchestral strings have posed no problems. However, I recorded a MIDI track using the NI B4 II organ, and overdubbed controller data for the drawbars. Then I dropped the track to a stereo audio file without issue. When I wanted to make a few changes to the original MIDI track and redrop I discovere that the controller data, which looked fine, was playing back very badly- destroying the playability of the performance complete. I kept the notes, erased the controller data, and redid it, and things were fine. Perhaps this kind of issue is having with VI on the Mac side.
as far as i am up to date it is confirmed to be a problem with cubase 4 on intel-macs, unfortunately for a still unknown reason and it is already under investigation. so far a *known issue* with permissions for grafical resources seems to be not the cause.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.