As a Performance set user I have never been overwhelmed by the repetition tool which while effective was quite hard to use, and depended a bit on your tempo etc. How does the repetition work in the Vienna Instruments? Is it the same deal or has something more user friendly come along.
Repetitions in Vienna Instruments
Absolutely BRILLIANT............
Some users in the past were just too lazy to use the repetitions, and therefore, for many, they were almost a waste of time. However, in VI you just play and they happen. In fact there are many more uses for them than repetition, so the number of possible articulations has also increased.
The only thing that I don't like is that you can't choose which note you want (unlike the Performance Tool) and the occasional note is badly edited. However, there are very easy workarounds (like hitting one keyswitch) so it's not a big deal, but it is a shame that all the notes aren't edited properly.
@JBacal said:
For the dynamic repetitions you CAN choose which note to play. Each separate velocity is included under the resources section. They are very very useful.
Yaas, but when one has a series of roughly the same velocity and the repeats go on for ever (think Tchaikovsky woodwind chords), then the dynamic reps don't work. However, switching to a dynamic rep for one note is one of the workarounds that I alluded to. I still think that the editing needs more work though [:(]
I would greatly appreciate if the good folks here that regularly use repitition instruments would go into more detail (in very basic terms) as to when and how you are using them. Please touch on the contast between Perf Rep and Fast Rep; their various uses and how you choose which to use or combinations thereof.
Thanks, I really want to use them but don't quite get it yet.
I often use the woodwind and brass repetition samples when I need shorter notes with a stronger attack and more pronounced "tonguing" They really are like different articulations from the regular short samples. They also offer different timbres than the regular. Next time you have staccato or portato notes try the repetition patches. In MANY cases you will prefer them. And I'm not just talking about only repeated note passages. I'm talking about all non-slurred passages.
The "fast" repetitions work great for things like double bowing string passages but your tempos do have to be somewhat close to the recorded sample tempos.
@JBacal said:
The "fast" repetitions work great for things like double bowing string passages but your tempos do have to be somewhat close to the recorded sample tempos.
Thanks Jay,
I've wanted to use the strings this way and have experimented. The trick is to have the 'note off' after you hear the second bowing as I understand it. So you get in there and tweak after playing in the basic part to clean things up. Also when using a perfomance of a 5 rep patch (for example) and only want to hear 3 repititions you toggle release sample on and let go after 2 reps and let the RS be number 3?
Any other examples of using these patches out there?
Any other examples of using these patches out there?