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  • con sordino solo strings??

    I was wondering why the solo string library appears to lack con sordino articulations and if these are planned for the future. Surely this is an important omission. One can, of course, attempt to use either the built in filter or an equalizer plugin to approximate the sound, but that's not the same as a sample.

  • At the moment 60 people appear to have read this posting, but no one has ventured an answer - - perhaps Maya could weigh in on this one.


  • The production of con sordino solo strings would have postboned the Symphonic Cube release for more than one year. That's why we didn't plan to produce solo string sordinos for the Symphonic Cube.

    The sample amount of the solostrings is 105,000 samples.
    It's the biggest amount of samles for an individual instruments. (34,400 soloviolin samples for example).
    Even if the sordino string would be only have size, you can imagine the amount of work for producing it.


  • Herb:

    Thanks for answering - - I certainly do understand the scope of the work that would be involved in producing a comprehensive set of con sordino solo string samples. However, I do hope you will consider making an add-on library of con sordino solo strings at some point in the future. In the meantime, I guess I'll just try to arrive at some reasonable approximation with VI's filter and Logic's equalizers.