You give the following list of controllers:
"We customized the environment so that to each track would correspond a set of 6 faders and 2 buttons, as follow:
1/ Velocity XF
2/ Cell XF
3/ Filter
4/ Attack
5/ Release
6/ Modulation
a] "Velocity XF ON/OFF"
b] "Play Release ON / OFF"
Perhaps I am missing something, but I can't seem to find any controls on the VI interface for modulation. Am I blind or do you use anothe rplugin for this? Your descriptions have been most helpful to me and I think everyone else. Thanks.
You give the following list of controllers:
"We customized the environment so that to each track would correspond a set of 6 faders and 2 buttons, as follow:
1/ Velocity XF
2/ Cell XF
3/ Filter
4/ Attack
5/ Release
6/ Modulation
a] "Velocity XF ON/OFF"
b] "Play Release ON / OFF"
Perhaps I am missing something, but I can't seem to find any controls on the VI interface for modulation. Am I blind or do you use anothe rplugin for this? Your descriptions have been most helpful to me and I think everyone else. Thanks.