Well, this setup sounds really great to me, and one day I may even attempt something like it. Thanks for sharing, Jerome.
This is a tiny bit O/T, but I just remembered something. Nick, I don't know if you remember, but I was wondering about setting up an Intel Mac, using the built-in optical, and connecting it to my G5 using the built-in on that as well. I'm using a RME DIGI 96/8 card now to bring ADAT in from a PC slave, and was curious as to whether an aggregate device would distribute the sync between the built-in optical and the DIGI card... well, test done. Nope! Sync issues all over the place. So, my setup is a bit goofy, but here it is:
1) G5 - DIGI 96/8 PAD --> Sequencer/Mixer
2) PC Machine - DIGI 9636/52 --> Slave 1 --> ADAT into G5
3) Macbook (built-in optical) --> Slave 2 --> SPDIF into PC
This actually works, probably because RME is just a brilliant company. But I've had no sync problems between the Macbook and the SPDIF in on the 9636. It's a bit lame, because I only wind up with 6 tracks for the PC slave (and of course only 2 for the Mini), but it works. I should also mention that I wound up going _all_ hardware for MIDI - this seemed to perform best on the Macbook, with the least hiccups during playback.
Anyway, at the time you were also curious about whether the aggregate device would share the sync, so now you know! It doesn't... (at least, not succesfully).
This is a tiny bit O/T, but I just remembered something. Nick, I don't know if you remember, but I was wondering about setting up an Intel Mac, using the built-in optical, and connecting it to my G5 using the built-in on that as well. I'm using a RME DIGI 96/8 card now to bring ADAT in from a PC slave, and was curious as to whether an aggregate device would distribute the sync between the built-in optical and the DIGI card... well, test done. Nope! Sync issues all over the place. So, my setup is a bit goofy, but here it is:
1) G5 - DIGI 96/8 PAD --> Sequencer/Mixer
2) PC Machine - DIGI 9636/52 --> Slave 1 --> ADAT into G5
3) Macbook (built-in optical) --> Slave 2 --> SPDIF into PC
This actually works, probably because RME is just a brilliant company. But I've had no sync problems between the Macbook and the SPDIF in on the 9636. It's a bit lame, because I only wind up with 6 tracks for the PC slave (and of course only 2 for the Mini), but it works. I should also mention that I wound up going _all_ hardware for MIDI - this seemed to perform best on the Macbook, with the least hiccups during playback.
Anyway, at the time you were also curious about whether the aggregate device would share the sync, so now you know! It doesn't... (at least, not succesfully).