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  • That set-up works well for Jerome, Miklos - and for reasons that he explained perfectly rationally - but in my opinion it's not ideal for everyone. I don't know if you're including me in your criticism, but voicing that opinion is not jumping on anyone's back.

  • Two sources on the net are reporting a delay in bulk Mac Mini orders. A revised Mac Mini product line (chip upgrade) is expected sometime after Labor Day (September 4), according to the two most prominent Apple rumor sites.

  • Jerome,

    thank you for describing your setup! I was actually talking to Freddy Wiedmann last night about the setup and environment that he built for John Frizzell...I can't wait to have another look at the newest he built for VI! Hearing all of this makes me feel even better about buying my macmini...thinking about expanding...

    I have to say though that I've been thinking about waiting and getting one of the new macpros that apple is releasing...that is, if we have the software to support 64-bit hardware...then I'm wondering if we might be able to load the whole orchestra in 1 box.

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around of the control available in VI...I'm not exactly an experienced MIDI programmer, so i'm still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't ( seems as though everyone works with MIDI in VERY different ways).

    Thanks again! I'll have to revisit this thread again just to wrap my brain around it all.

    Having said that...I'm still trying to figure out why you don't like WormHole or...I can't remember the name of the other program...transportX or something like that...why you're not using ethernet to route audio back to the master...more reliable with real light pipe connections??


  • Well, this setup sounds really great to me, and one day I may even attempt something like it. Thanks for sharing, Jerome.

    This is a tiny bit O/T, but I just remembered something. Nick, I don't know if you remember, but I was wondering about setting up an Intel Mac, using the built-in optical, and connecting it to my G5 using the built-in on that as well. I'm using a RME DIGI 96/8 card now to bring ADAT in from a PC slave, and was curious as to whether an aggregate device would distribute the sync between the built-in optical and the DIGI card... well, test done. Nope! Sync issues all over the place. So, my setup is a bit goofy, but here it is:

    1) G5 - DIGI 96/8 PAD --> Sequencer/Mixer
    2) PC Machine - DIGI 9636/52 --> Slave 1 --> ADAT into G5
    3) Macbook (built-in optical) --> Slave 2 --> SPDIF into PC

    This actually works, probably because RME is just a brilliant company. But I've had no sync problems between the Macbook and the SPDIF in on the 9636. It's a bit lame, because I only wind up with 6 tracks for the PC slave (and of course only 2 for the Mini), but it works. I should also mention that I wound up going _all_ hardware for MIDI - this seemed to perform best on the Macbook, with the least hiccups during playback.

    Anyway, at the time you were also curious about whether the aggregate device would share the sync, so now you know! It doesn't... (at least, not succesfully).


  • That is interesting, because aggregate devices "advertise" themselves as handling sync (it's one of the dialog options, as you say). I assume the RME card has an asynchronous I/O option?

    What Jerome says about the Intel (I assume?) version of Apple Remote Access not working with the Vienna Instruments player is also interesting. It's hard to imagine what could cause that, since remote access should just be reading mouse positions etc. blindly. Weird.

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    Thank you for sharing your Mac mini and Logic test results!

    I found the Frizzell & Wiedmann Logic Environment and see that it triggers dynamics changes based on score markings. Since Digital Performer is my primary sequencer, I'm very interested in hearing more about your friend's DP & Plogue Bidule setup for Edward Shearmur (the Sky Captain score is awesome, BTW). I have Bidule and understand that it can do transformations like Logic's environment. Could you explain in more detail how she is implementing this in DP & Bidule?

    Thank you,


  • Jerome:

    You give the following list of controllers:

    "We customized the environment so that to each track would correspond a set of 6 faders and 2 buttons, as follow:
    1/ Velocity XF
    2/ Cell XF
    3/ Filter
    4/ Attack
    5/ Release
    6/ Modulation

    a] "Velocity XF ON/OFF"
    b] "Play Release ON / OFF"

    Perhaps I am missing something, but I can't seem to find any controls on the VI interface for modulation. Am I blind or do you use anothe rplugin for this? Your descriptions have been most helpful to me and I think everyone else. Thanks.

  • Well, as far as I know, there's really no modulation option - but maybe he just means the parameter the modulation wheel is used for ... ?

    David Ender
    VSL manuals

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    @Another User said:

    Having said that...I'm still trying to figure out why you don't like WormHole or...I can't remember the name of the other program...transportX or something like that...why you're not using ethernet to route audio back to the master...more reliable with real light pipe connections??

    I didn't like Wormhole because I found it to be unstable and thus unreliable. The only two places where I saw it running decently, both users had to press play in order to get sound from the slave... among other issues. Considering the need for 100% reliability (and, of course, excellent tech support), we had to dismiss the idea for now.

    However, as soon as I see it running without any glitch whatsoever, I will definitely suggest it to my boss.

    To my knowledge, FXTeleport runs only on Windows.


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    @Nick Batzdorf said:

    What Jerome says about the Intel (I assume?) version of Apple Remote Access not working with the Vienna Instruments player is also interesting. It's hard to imagine what could cause that, since remote access should just be reading mouse positions etc. blindly. Weird.

    Hi Nick,

    we're running ARD from a PowerPC computer. If my memories are correct (I am not in Los Angeles at the moment), the problem did happen also with our PPC slaves.


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    @MarkG said:

    Since Digital Performer is my primary sequencer, I'm very interested in hearing more about your friend's DP & Plogue Bidule setup for Edward Shearmur (the Sky Captain score is awesome, BTW). I have Bidule and understand that it can do transformations like Logic's environment. Could you explain in more detail how she is implementing this in DP & Bidule?

    Hey Mark,

    from what I understood, all the transformations are indeed happening into Plogue Bidule. I'm going to ask my friend to come by this forum and describe her setup. Hopefully she'll agree to take some time on the side to do so (as you can guess, she is pretty busy!). Ed Shearmur just ordered one of these Lemur thing, so that he can control the VI player with it, it sounds very cool!


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    @stevesong said:

    Perhaps I am missing something, but I can't seem to find any controls on the VI interface for modulation. Am I blind or do you use anothe rplugin for this? Your descriptions have been most helpful to me and I think everyone else. Thanks.

    I'm sorry - I meant Expression. I just updated my post. Thanks for noticing the mistake!


  • If it happened with PPC slaves too, it's really weird. I'm going to have to try that here when I get a chance - not that I dont believe you, just that I have a macabre interest. [:)]

    The Windows version has no problems with that, in fact my Windows slaves are only connected by Windows Remote Desktop (the Mac client).

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    @Another User said:

    just that I have a macabre interest
    LOL [:P]
    unfortunately our apple-RD is still sitting on the cupboard (our macs always tend to stray around) so such a test didn't happen also here. but it sounds really strange ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • hi,

    I just installed ARD on my G5 and was controlling the upcoming build (which is in serious testing right now) of Vienna Instruments on a intel macmini via ARD and there where absolutely no problems in moving faders, switches or anything else.

    So you can store your macmini farm in a distant hutch and can contol it from anywhere in the world.


  • I am absolutely certain that, on our setup, we cannot control the VI faders on an Intel slave from a PPC host.

    According to your post, you are using a more advanced version of ARD? Can you tell me what is the version number?


  • Could it be some kind of permission-blocking "feature?" I made the mistake of setting up multiple accounts on my daughter's iMac G3, and that kind of thing keeps cropping up.

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    @Jerome said:

    Hey Mark,

    from what I understood, all the transformations are indeed happening into Plogue Bidule. I'm going to ask my friend to come by this forum and describe her setup. Hopefully she'll agree to take some time on the side to do so (as you can guess, she is pretty busy!). Ed Shearmur just ordered one of these Lemur thing, so that he can control the VI player with it, it sounds very cool!



    The Lemur device looks very cool & customizable. Thank you for asking your friend to post about her DP & Bidule setup. I appreciate it! I understand you are busy and I'd be happy to take you guys out to lunch. Let me know if you are interested.


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    @Jerome said:

    Hey Mark,

    from what I understood, all the transformations are indeed happening into Plogue Bidule. I'm going to ask my friend to come by this forum and describe her setup. Hopefully she'll agree to take some time on the side to do so (as you can guess, she is pretty busy!). Ed Shearmur just ordered one of these Lemur thing, so that he can control the VI player with it, it sounds very cool!



    The Lemur device looks very cool & customizable. Thank you for asking your friend to post about her DP & Bidule setup. I appreciate it! I understand you are busy and I'd be happy to take you guys out to lunch. Let me know if you are interested.

    MarkSorry to butt in here, but that Lemur thing looks great. I'm not usually one for gear lust, but I'm really tempted by this. If you have any info on it in real terms use, then please share [H]


  • Hey guys...

    Sorry I've been away for a few weeks, but I am in France right now (just got married!) and I'll be back in LA in about 10 days. I'll go check out the Lemur asap and let you know my impressions - it seems to be a great piece of gear, albeit expensive!

    I will also try to get you some details on how to get this DP thing going.
