Well, you can always do what we used to do with Gigastudio : having a monitor, keyboard and mouse dedicated to your VI computers, and switch between them when needed.
Interestingly enough, for some reason, Apple Remote Desktop doesn't allow to slide faders in the VI GUI! When moving the mouse, nothing happens.
So buying a KVM switch seems to be the best way to do it. But then you get into many issues since there are usually (on my setup at least) 5 or 6 instances loaded per Mac Mini.
Actually, I don't think I described this part of our setup, so here it goes:
In Logic, as I said, one track = one (or two) instruments. For example, I have a Flute 1 / Piccolo track.
We customized the environment so that to each track would correspond a set of 6 faders and 2 buttons, as follow:
1/ Velocity XF
2/ Cell XF
3/ Filter
4/ Attack
5/ Release
6/ Expression
a] "Velocity XF ON/OFF"
b] "Play Release ON / OFF"
The Logic Screenset is made in a way that the window showing the faders always stays at the same place, but the track it's related to changes according to the track you are currently working on.
When you move a fader with your mouse, it will move the same fader into the VI instance used by the track you are on. We also have a Midi controller (a Peavey PC1600x) and we set it up so that the first 6 faders correspond to the same faders in the VI. We also added Fader 7 for volume and Fader 8 for Pitch.
So, let's say you're on a Flute track, on the channel Flutter / Vibrato. You can play and move the 2nd fader to go in and out of the Flutter articulation. This is very cool with many articulations, like Cello Portamento to and from Cello Legato.
I'm just describing this to show that, thanks to the MIDI controller feature in the VI GUI, you can use all the faders and buttons from a distant computer, without ever accessing it. What you cannot do is unload/load samples, as you would need a remote connection or a KVM switch.
Interestingly enough, for some reason, Apple Remote Desktop doesn't allow to slide faders in the VI GUI! When moving the mouse, nothing happens.
So buying a KVM switch seems to be the best way to do it. But then you get into many issues since there are usually (on my setup at least) 5 or 6 instances loaded per Mac Mini.
Actually, I don't think I described this part of our setup, so here it goes:
In Logic, as I said, one track = one (or two) instruments. For example, I have a Flute 1 / Piccolo track.
We customized the environment so that to each track would correspond a set of 6 faders and 2 buttons, as follow:
1/ Velocity XF
2/ Cell XF
3/ Filter
4/ Attack
5/ Release
6/ Expression
a] "Velocity XF ON/OFF"
b] "Play Release ON / OFF"
The Logic Screenset is made in a way that the window showing the faders always stays at the same place, but the track it's related to changes according to the track you are currently working on.
When you move a fader with your mouse, it will move the same fader into the VI instance used by the track you are on. We also have a Midi controller (a Peavey PC1600x) and we set it up so that the first 6 faders correspond to the same faders in the VI. We also added Fader 7 for volume and Fader 8 for Pitch.
So, let's say you're on a Flute track, on the channel Flutter / Vibrato. You can play and move the 2nd fader to go in and out of the Flutter articulation. This is very cool with many articulations, like Cello Portamento to and from Cello Legato.
I'm just describing this to show that, thanks to the MIDI controller feature in the VI GUI, you can use all the faders and buttons from a distant computer, without ever accessing it. What you cannot do is unload/load samples, as you would need a remote connection or a KVM switch.