Hi Jerome and Nick.
@Another User said:
What makes you sure of such a statement?
Cause I network myself. (No choice...)
More PCs I have, less music I do... Installations, activations, to power and open every thing, to create, name, open, close, save, backup each files, to route midi and audio over the network, to switch monitors, to face hardware and OS maintenances (bugs, ghosts or defrag) etc... etc...
(Plus, networking always adds some latency...)
Well, if you have an assistant, no problem. You’ll make only music...
But, as probably all composers who don’t have any assistant, I’m really more productive with a single PC than with several. For me it’s night and day.
The theory that softwares always need more than hardwares can afford, is not so clear to me.
It is, clearly, for processing. (I don’t care myself for symphonic music, I always process the reverb off-line.) (MIR will be off line anyway...)
But not for recording / playback, specially with sampling library.
Look what appended last years : samplers’ polyphony were restricted, then recently unlimited.
So what was the consequences ? Take Gigastudio, for example. With the best actual PCs, you’ll need five or six of them with GS2.5, instead of one or two with GS3 to get the same result in terms of polyphony.
So, some times limitations are really in the software, not in the hardware.
There is also some limits for us, users. Polyphony again. We can’t ear an unlimited number of voices, with unlimited number of bits and samples rates formats, for physical reasons, simply.
And I think actual DAWs, (except maybe for extreme projects) provide more polyphony than we need to run a decent full orchestra (without processing, of course).
Today, for my use, it means VSL only (+ piano) with off-line processing, the only limitation (to get a full orchestra) that forces me to network is... RAM.
I just did a little orchestral demo with a ‘prehistorical’ PC, it’s a quite light and simple orchestration, so it’s OK like this, but, if I would add more polyphony, no problem, if I would add some instruments, impossible : my RAM is already full...
With a P4 2.6...
For me, the RAM limitation (and its ‘non-productive-at-all’ loading time, not to forget...) is really specific.