Mattias says you should make a back-up of the aesiijv a;ioersrr azdpv9pua weirj file just in case.
@Nick Batzdorf said:
Mattias says you should make a back-up of the aesiijv a;ioersrr azdpv9pua weirj file just in case.
Can't seem to find that one, Nick.
Is it in the lgqjodvnavlgravnnanavavsdn;lnv;alsdnva;joiqweqw directory?
@dpcon said:
Okay I found it and it's working great!
I'm stil looking.
Oh wait.................
I'm on a Mac.
@dpcon said:
That's okay, lot's of things work on both platforms. For example I can recieve email on either my MAC or PC.
Just try it. [:D]
Can you?
Erm, I need to go lie down for a while.......It's hard to keep up with all these technological advances.
Next you'll be telling me Windows has released a new version of their excellent and trouble free operating system to take over from 3.1.........
[[:|]] [:D]
@dpcon said:
If there is a new Windows OS as you mentioned I sure hope I can run in on my Mac Plus. But I don't think a Mac will ever be able to run a Windows OS. Nope never... not in a million years.
Dave, my friend, I thoroughly agree with you. It's beyond the realms of science fiction to imagine Windows on a Mac. As distant as a fine magazine made just for us computer composer chaps.
Ah well, back to the parchment. (Must replace the candle, it's getting low.)
Now where did i put that quill?
With Regards,
Comrade Alex von Limey.