You can label actual keys using a Mapped Instrument.
It's more helpful in Event List (see below). There's a catch in the vertical Matrix keyboard: the labels read-out only on C's and F's. Still, you could use that to mark which octave begins the keyswitching. It's a good visual clue.
And *every* label will show up in Event List. So you could click on a penciled-in note (keyswitch) in Matrix, hit an up or down transpose key command, and in Event List it would scroll through, say, "Staccato," "Portato Long," "Pizz," etc.
Obviously, you would have to add these labels yourself. It's not reading VI or figuring anything out on its own. Then, the mapped instrument would have to be a dummy object assigned to an Arrange track (for display purposes) and subsequently cabled to a VI in Environment (to make the sound).