Hey all,
In response to the Wormhole questions...in my experience, it's been running great...however, I've run into some problems that I'm still trying to pointpoint the issues...latency is NOT an issue...but I tried the following first:
here's what I have in my room:
Master: String section and brass section sit here...G5 dual 2.7, 6 gigs of RAM running Logic 7.2
Slave 1: G5 1.8 Single, 4 gigs of RAM running Digital Performer (I tried using Plogue Bidule, but had some problems...which I'll explain later)...Harp and Percussion on this computer
Slave 2: Mac Mini Intel Duo with 2 gigs of RAM...running Logic 7.2...the Woodwind Section sits here
I tried setting up in the following fashion (If you'd like to skip my lengthy description of the problems...skip to the next paragraph)-
I had problems with the Dummy Instrument:
At first, I tried putting a Wormhole instance on every instrument in the slaves so that I could route the audio back into Logic and come out the Instrument Track... by doing this I was trying to have my master look like everything would be internal...and actually, have the audio routing and mixing process be just like I was running everything internally. This required about 15 Wormholes. However, for some strange reason, at some point, the Dummy instrument I was using as an insert in my master would crash Logic...and after doing so, seemed to be permanent damage...what would cause the crash is after a bunch of instances, whenever I'd bring up the interface for the Dummy Plug-in (I should reinforce that I'm talking about the Dummy ...not to be confused with the actual Wormhole plug-in...I was using the dummy to activate the instrument track in Logic so that I could use it), and in doing so, would crash logic, and then I couldn't open the original file ever again witout crashing logic...and it definitely wasn't some sort of problem with CoreMIDI or something like that, since I tried restarting the computer and reloading...also, after 1 crash, I could open up another logic song and use Dummy instances...really weird....so I guess you could say I never got to really stretch my legs with this setup.
-after dealing with the above issue, I set up in the following way:
Slave 1: (perc/harp)..used MIDI from Master to control levels, then just brought 1 master stereo pair back to the master...and used a send inside the master for reverb (I probably should have done 2 stereo pairs...1 for main returns and 1 for reverb send returns to the master for processing)
Slave 2: same as slave #1
the ONLY latency (noticeable to me, anyway) came from my G5 slave #1, which I really believe was due to either computer lmiitation (the 1.8 couldn't even handle the whole percussion section well...grr) or a latency thing in Digital Performer...and in Logic, I simply set the delay for those instruments with a -140 (which ....I think , are ticks). I didn't notice any latency in the Mac Mini...but this was with woodwinds...easier to tell with percussion...however, I did have sextuplets (at a quarter=130) and they sounded VERY together with the Strings I had running internally.
I didn't get any clicks or pops (unless it was just my G5 1.8 sucking)...
There's the update. Unless I find more problems, I'll continue to happily use this setup.
I was running these:
Full string section (2 vln, 1 vla, 1 cello, & one bass)
1- piccolo
1=flute a3
1-oboe a3
1-english horn I
1-clarinet a3
1-bassoon a3
1-trumpets a3
2-horrns a 3
1-trombones a3
1-sus. cymbal