I have the same problem without FXteleport ... I have to close the GUI and it works well.
Some fresh news :
I installed VI and Fx teleport on my notebook : no pops (don't know why)
I found several stranges behaviors :
- On the 4 slaves computers, if the VI Gui is open, and if I change the screen resolution or the color deth, the crackles diseapears. But if I close the gui and reopened it, the drops are back.
- If I move the window outside the visible area : no crackles
And the most beautiful one : If I click on the Vienna Instruments logo, a little animation appear in the "central info screen", and.......... no more crackles [[:|]]
Please help me as soon as possible, I should leave my customer studio tomorrow.
I don't know if this other problem is related to the VI but I wanted to give all the informations :
On the slave computers, there are Fxteleport, VI and the Vsti Host "bidule".
When I close a Nuendo session on the master computer, and if the Vi gui is opened, it closes the Fx server too.
If the VI Gui is closed, the server stays online but doesn't free up the memory, and sometime I've got a VI bug.http://vsl.co.at/upload/users/stephane_viguibug.jpg">
I don't have these problems when I use EnergyXt instead of Bidule.
After a clean windows install on the 4 slave computers, I don't have the drops on 3 computers, but the problem remains on the n°4 :
I found several stranges behaviors :
- On the slave computer, if the VI Gui is open, and if I change the screen resolution or the color deth, the crackles diseapears. But if I close the gui and reopened it, the drops are back.
- If I move the window outside the visible area : no crackles
And the most beautiful one : If I click on the Vienna Instruments logo, a little animation appear in the "central info screen", and.......... no more crackles
I don't have the memory problem anymore.
I still have some crashs if I don't close the VI GUI before I leave a Nuendo session : The "server.exe" from Fxteleport quit, or I've got the Vi crash you can see in my precedent message.
After one week with many many tests, I think, there is really a bug in the VI Gui.
After a clean windows install on the 4 slave computers, I don't have the drops on 3 computers, but the problem remains on the n°4 :
Ok, since the VI 1.1 update, no crackles left on the Pc n°4 [:)]
I have to do some tests to check the others problems.
Stéphane, my apologies for editing your post - but the size of your screenshot streched the iframe too much to the right .... (if you send me an email with your registered email address i can move the file to your personal userfolder)
the graphical bug ... i remember a similar problem ocured for another user, but i can't remember now if it was a graphic driver issue or could only be fixed reinstalling windows ... have you changed some registry values for the GUI resources or applied a very strong gigastudio optimization?
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
I had several problems a few months ago with some computers previously used with gigastudio, even though I had reset the memory settings. A clean windows install solved a part of these bugs, but not all.
I still had various GUI problems until v1.1.
Now, I need to go deeper in the tests to see if this new release solve everything.
BTW : Is there a good reason for v1.1 not supporting LAA ?