@Another User said:
julian, it should not exceed 60 seconds (wasn't that mentioned actually in this thread already?)
let us know what about your machine is different from a standard G5 - except RAM, i'd assume you have more [;)]
Just to clear up the confusion i quote Herb from the Thread "Load times in Logic" where he confirms that initial boot times of several minutes are expected for the Vienna Instruments.
"I think there is a general missconception.
I think Maya's 30 to 60 seconds startuptime refer to a startup of a VI after of opening a new logic project and not a startup after rebooting the computer.
That means after a reboot you have to wait several minutes, depending how much content is added in your Directory Manager of the VI.
If you change to a different logic project (no reboot), the startuptime of the first VI instance should be less than one minute (with the whole Symphonic Cube added)
If your workflow needs a lot of reboots of your computer (changing the studio etc.) we recommend only to add the instruments in Directory Manager which were needed.
I have also talked with our developement team to add a save/load option into Directory Manager, so you can easy and fast setup the needed instruments for a certain project.