That's the kind of info I was curious about. Thanks for explaining that cm.
On a related note (I think it's related), I noticed that in Logic, I really need to leave my audio buffer at 256, or even 512, when using the Vienna VI's. Anything lower causes clicks and pops. No other sample libraries/engines I own, require that high of a buffer setting. That's really why I was asking, in case I needed to adjust something.
It's certainly not the end of the world, as the nature of the sounds themselves (strings in my case), seem to still be fairly playable, even with the added latency. And I can always nudge the MIDI region forward as well, if needed.
Still, it would be nice to know why that's happening. I'm using Logic 7.2.1, OSX 10.4.6. My Vienna Library resides on an external FW800 drive.
On a related note (I think it's related), I noticed that in Logic, I really need to leave my audio buffer at 256, or even 512, when using the Vienna VI's. Anything lower causes clicks and pops. No other sample libraries/engines I own, require that high of a buffer setting. That's really why I was asking, in case I needed to adjust something.
It's certainly not the end of the world, as the nature of the sounds themselves (strings in my case), seem to still be fairly playable, even with the added latency. And I can always nudge the MIDI region forward as well, if needed.
Still, it would be nice to know why that's happening. I'm using Logic 7.2.1, OSX 10.4.6. My Vienna Library resides on an external FW800 drive.