With this version the VI GUI window floats - which is good even if it is in a somewhat non-standard fashion. However, I've noticed one little problem with this version - - when you press the "Show Window" button for instrument 1, but the most recently accessed window was instrument 2, you get the GUI window for instrument 2. Hopefully, the GUI window will soon be made resizable and the problem I've just mentioned will be corrected. I don't mind the non-standard float as long as the GUI window is non-resizable and not attached to the standard control header which now contains the "show window" button. If it were so attached and one toggled the Link button on, then you could deal with one VI GUI window at a time and access them easily. We're getting there.... Thanks for all the work.
1.0.5 OSX - - minor problem
the same has been happening to me
i was loading up track 14 then closed that window to change the patch on track 10 but without noticing, because nothing is marked on the VI window, i was actually still on track 14.it just happened that i took a better look at the useless little "show window" window and noticed that the track hadn't changed. what gives? at least they get out of the way now.