Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @Another User said:

    One mapping info might be useful:
    for all performance legato patches you can switch between normal and portamento using the A/B switch option.
    The same for the staccatos, using A/B to switch between tight and sloppy variations.

  • will someone be so kind posting a short demo so all others may know what the may not get? [:)]

  • HERB,

    got it [;)]

    works great [;)]

    JOHN BARRY Out Of Africa Test works GREAT [;)]

    friggin......really expressive....lovely


  • HERB,

    The portamentos are shorter and more it is not so "effecty" but real smooth for slurs.

    Kudos !


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    @JBacal said:

    gonna try using a download manager.


    Did you find ? 10 times and stop around 20 megs ... I lost 200 megs ! [:)]

  • Very frustrating can't DL without problems - someone have a link to a free DL mgr?


  • Guys,

    Do you have Cable Modem?

    If your on a MAC download 4 at a time and just let them go to your desktop....DON'T TOUCH anything during download [;)]

    Each file aside from CAB13 is between 120.1 and 120.4 meg big..

    I had a problem downloading CAB 7 and 9....but I just did them again and all was well.....

    I used Safari....

  • Ha,

    I'm a t home now...the Download that worked, I did from work ....were we have a big IT department.....

    Each cab was coming down at circa 150bps per second.

    Now when I try from my home here (cable modem) I'm seeing the same problems you guys have.....


    wish I could help...


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    @Rob Elliott said:

    Very frustrating can't DL without problems - someone have a link to a free DL mgr?


    It doesn't work with any download manager I found. We can't have a direct link so I can't use it on my GetRight. [:'(]

  • many CABs you got?


  • I have an Idea for you guys.....

    Why don't each of you DL a different Cab ..........and AIM / IChat them to each other......

    That way each of you only need to DL 1


  • Surely,

    Some of you have some cab's downloaded........just swap files with each other...

    IChat doesn't have a filesize restriction....I'm working with a director in NY and we swap Quicktime movies over IChat/AIM 200meg big on a daily basis.


  • Very frustrating - hit or miss. After 4 hours only have 3 complete cabs [8o|]

    last week just DL TBO (1.5 gig) piano - no problems (12 files). DL manager hasnt worked here either.

  • Rob list the CABS you have and swap CABS with another persaon, who has different cabs..


  • I don't have AIM but does someone have an FTP site I can get them from?

    I have 1,3, 4 and 13.

    Trying 12 now (working from the back) [[;)]]


  • Rob,

    I've got all of them BUT at work ;-(

    Will have them all here tommorow though!

    Are you on a MAC?
    Do you have IChat?


  • PC - no Ichat - only FTP. I am probably striking out.


  • AIM = AOL Instant Messenger............It is compatible with IChat....

  • Okay....guys I can't get in! The bonus file section says "
    Sorry, no files available to download for your registered products!" but I own the PRO Edition as well as both Orchestral String Volumes! My user name is Please tell me what the problem is!?

  • You need to own VI strings ...the new 1.
