Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Here's what our Newsletter says on eligibitlity for downloading the Appassionata Violins:

    You’re eligible for this exclusive download if you have registered a combination of the following products:
    PRO EDITION Strings or PRO EDITION Performance Set

    Mike, you will have to order the Orchestral Strings I Extended Library to obtain eligibility. Since you're a registered Pro Edition user your price for the Orchestral Strings I Extended Library is only $40 instead of $715!

    Cheers, Martin

  • Hi Martin,
    Thanks for the reply. I now understand what to do. This library is incredible !!!!

    Again, thanks for the clarification.


  • Will 'Appassionata Violins' be (sold) as a separate VI regardless if you own the Pro-edition or any other VSL library ?

    It only makes sense that VSL will offer this and other improved string section VI's to all potential customers. It only makes sense to me.

    VSL needs better strings overall !

    Have great strings ? Will buy

  • Also a sure buyer here if Appassionata Violins will become available. Any news from the moderator on this? If so, an approx. release date? thanks

  • What about ' Epic Strings' will this be something you will offer ?

    Any News on this.... ?

    'Epic Horns' is one of the best sounding librararies VSL offers. yet one of the smallest in memory requirments, and the price is nice as well, a very useful library to have, (I have the Horizon Series Epic Horns), so ... the size of these libraries does not always translate into quality. It's got more to do with recording techniques, and the players skills to capture the magic of the instrument.

  • Are the Appassionata strings connected to the Orchestral Strings licence (i.e. if I start splitting licences up is that the collection they need to run with or are they collection independent)?



  • They are connected to OS1.

  • Thanks Chrstian

  • Just got hold of these beautiful samples. I am loving the tone and quality of sound, but i have one question.

    Are there any plans to add perf-legato portamento samples?

    The portamento legati were one of my personal favourites from the original violin library and a similar patch for the Appassionata Violins would sound spectacular.

    I suppose one could layer samples from both libraries to get the same effect.

    Sorry if this has been discussed already, but i haven't visited the forum for a long while.

  • All perfermance intervall variations of the appassionata violins include normal intervall and portamento intervall samples. (piano and forte portamento!)
    You can trigger the portamento samples using A/B control.


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    @Another User said:

    All perfermance intervall variations of the appassionata violins include normal intervall and portamento intervall samples. (piano and forte portamento!)
    You can trigger the portamento samples using A/B control.

    i see! [:O]ops: well, that's answered that question.

    Thanks and regards.
