Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • I don't think you will see VSL doing that. But it's not a bad idea either.

  • Alrigh - I'm ready for my monday moning dose of Appasionata [[:|]]

  • Right - let us all be appassionate!!!!!!! [[:|]]

  • Update Paul or Herb? How about a Demo - just a short one - nothing else - couple of art patches.


  • Your forcing my hand guys - dont make me get the pregnant woman! [[:|]]

  • hands? pregnant? oh my god, they're here!
    they do not want us the hear demo. they are everywhere. they control your life. they will clean your refrigerator and drink up your beer....

    aaaaah *runs away*

  • last edited
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    @Sangit said:

    ... they are everywhere. they control your life. they will clean your refrigerator and drink up your beer....

    aaaaah *runs away*

    Heaven forbid!!! [:D] [6] [:D]

  • <a href=">

  • I just managed to sneak into the vienna silent stage and take a picture of the secret recording device which was used to capture the true passion of the appassionata strings... but then unfortunately a short circuit happened and all samples got lost - haha

    <a href=">

  • Oh man, please scroll this banged up athlete up....I can't bear to see it when I come on to this thread... Ooouch!!!!

    Can anybody say when the APPASSIONATA strings will be downloadable? Sabine? herb?

  • Just picked up a project that would greatly benefit from what I am hoping the new appas. vlns will be.

    Is there any update on the DL for these? Demos?


  • I think we are all waiting for a demo, no ? [[;)]]

  • well i'm curious but as i dont own proEd i wont get apassionata strings anyway. so what use is the demo for me [;)] than just to hear what i'll never get

  • Demo demo [H]. What's the status on the Appasionata strings?

  • Bump. [:D]

    (I use a combination of Roland, Atmosphere and VSL to get something close now - would love to have this new tool as I bet the farm it will be one of the best products to date.)

    Tell us to shut up - just tell us something. [[;)]]


  • You may release it now - I'm ready. [H] [:D]

  • Well VSL......

    I think that when you do get around to releasing them - they will sound JUST TERRIBLE - just like the rest of this awful library....even if you release them I won't buy them.....EVER!!!!!

    ......SO THERE

    You may as well release them now cos I am not interested.....


    Nope ........not sir-eeee - not 1 tiny bit!!!!!!

    (it's OK chaps - I have not gone mad - I am hanging on the edge of my seat just the same of everyone else - I am just trying a bit of reverse psychology) [[;)]]

  • The Appassionata violins are finished. Our IT team is preparing now the downloadsection. You have to download around 1.3 GB of datas.

    The download should be available in the next 24 hours.

    At the moment we do not have a documentation of the patches and matrixes, but the instrument structure is very easy to understand and the filenames should be self explanatory.
    We'll offer a PDF when David Ender has finished his work on the Symphonic Cube documentation.

    One mapping info might be useful:
    for all performance legato patches you can switch between normal and portamento using the A/B switch option.
    The same for the staccatos, using A/B to switch between tight and sloppy variations.





    Thank you Herb........looking forward to trying them out!!!!!


  • paul, reverse psy doesn't work on girlfriends, neither does forward