Work in progress report
Editing and mapping for the Symphonic Cube is done, so we were able to focus our work on the Appassionata violins. In the meantime the main editing of the violins is done, only the loops have to be finalized.
Also the mapping is nearly done, so I can give you now a more detailed overview what you can expect:
The appasionata violins will be a more advanced an bigger release than orginally announced.
We’ve also developed and added some new features which will improve the quality and flexibilty of this release.
Performance interval articulations
legato with four velocities
legato with progressive vibrato
legato with very heavy vibrato
legato with accented intervall notes
legato with out of tune starts - going into tune during the first half second
legato sul G
general feature of all performance legati:
switchable between normal interval and portamento interval (A/B switch)
(all legato articulations are also available as normal sustain patches)
spiccato interval performances
harsh interval performances
Performance repetition articulations
legato repetitions
portato repetitions
spiccato repetitions
harsh repetitions
Performance Trills
Grace runs short super fast runs prepared for modular use
accurate and loose performances
Crescendi/diminuendi in various length
pfp in various length
We’ll inform you the next days when the downloads should be anticpiated
(when we know, how long it will take looping, quality check and final packaging)
Editing and mapping for the Symphonic Cube is done, so we were able to focus our work on the Appassionata violins. In the meantime the main editing of the violins is done, only the loops have to be finalized.
Also the mapping is nearly done, so I can give you now a more detailed overview what you can expect:
The appasionata violins will be a more advanced an bigger release than orginally announced.
We’ve also developed and added some new features which will improve the quality and flexibilty of this release.
Performance interval articulations
legato with four velocities
legato with progressive vibrato
legato with very heavy vibrato
legato with accented intervall notes
legato with out of tune starts - going into tune during the first half second
legato sul G
general feature of all performance legati:
switchable between normal interval and portamento interval (A/B switch)
(all legato articulations are also available as normal sustain patches)
spiccato interval performances
harsh interval performances
Performance repetition articulations
legato repetitions
portato repetitions
spiccato repetitions
harsh repetitions
Performance Trills
Grace runs short super fast runs prepared for modular use
accurate and loose performances
Crescendi/diminuendi in various length
pfp in various length
We’ll inform you the next days when the downloads should be anticpiated
(when we know, how long it will take looping, quality check and final packaging)