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  • I don't know what Herb's plans are for the future but as of tonight the only way to download them is to register the extended.

  • Thanks, Herb and VSL team!!

    This Appassionata release is much larger than I expected. It will take a while to digest. But I can already tell that I will really appreciate having the p dynamics with stronger vibrato. The Sul G patch sounds great. I'm certain that I will find many uses for the new progressive vibrato patch. And I absolutely love the new cres/dim and pfp patches especially with that lovely vibrato at the softer dynamics.

    Well, I'm off to finally tackle Vaughn Williams’ Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis. I'm hopeful that now I might be able to finally do some justice to this magnificent piece.

    Thanks again and best wishes,


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    @Austin said:

    You mean I can't get the Appassianata Strings without having the "extended" portion of the Orchestral Strings 1? I thought the requirement was Pro Edition upgrading to the Orchestral Strings 1? I have all the Volumes out thus far but none are "extended" yet just "standard".

    But why on earth would you not get extended? Thats where you get your discount for being a PRO ED owner.. it will cost under $100



    For heavens sake please post a demo!!!!!

  • These are sounding great... I might make somelittle demo later (with the chance of J doing the same and putting me to shame).

    I must say that the Legato_Sfz patch is such a great idea... Its a subtle difference, but very cool and usuable.

    Back to playing with patches.

  • oh come on guys. you have the thing for hours and noone even made a short mp3 demo yet? thats poor. are you all sleeping? [:)] come on we're curious!

  • Herb,

    When you get a moment, could you post the number of velocity layers for each patch?


  • Herb, some really good sounds here. I've just finished programming a violin line, so I'm going to re-do it with AV so that I can do an A/B comparison. I'm sure that I'll be pleased.

    Now all I need is more articulations such as zigane, the Appassionata Violas and especially the Cellos. Basses I can do without...!

    I think that what I've heard so far means that this really should become a viable collection for later sale, so your initial generosity in providing these sounds should pay for itself in the long run. I certainly haven't heard any other string patches that can compare with these, so thanks again, and I am looking forward to playing with them


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    @Sangit said:

    oh come on guys. you have the thing for hours and noone even made a short mp3 demo yet? thats poor. are you all sleeping? [:)] come on we're curious!

    For what it's worth

    Could have tweaked the midi a bit more, but it should serve as a good idication of the sound....

    To Herb.. Thanks - its fantastic. Having these for Celli would be amazing... I really hope(and beleive) you will consider it.

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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    For what it's worth

    Could have tweaked the midi a bit more, but it should serve as a good idication of the sound....

    To Herb.. Thanks - its fantastic. Having these for Celli would be amazing... I really hope(and beleive) you will consider it.

    Thanks for that snippet, Christian. Good to hear the sound at last...


  • cool, can't wait to download it.

  • Thks a lot, Christian, they sure sound BIG! (have you layered or is it a single patch?)

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    @Ivan P said:

    Thks a lot, Christian, they sure sound BIG! (have you layered or is it a single patch?)

    Single patch, although both 1st and 2nd violins are Appasionata, and in the last segment 2nd violins play two lines. And not only do they sound big - they sound great! [:)]

  • 01 VI-20_staccato..............3
    11 VI-20_sus_Vib...............4
    12 VI-20_sus_Vib-strong.....2
    13 VI-20_sus_Vib-progr......2
    14 VI-20_sus_tune............2
    15 VI-20_sus_sul-G...........1

    all VI-20_dyn-me_cre.......1
    all VI-20_dyn-me_dim.......2
    all VI-20_pfp...................1
    21 VI-20_sfz...................2

    01 VI-20_perf-legato...................2
    02 VI-20_perf-legato_4vel...........4
    03 VI-20_perf-legato_Vib-progr....2
    04 VI-20_perf-legato_Vib-strong..2
    05 VI-20_perf-legato_sfz.............2
    06 VI-20_perf-legato_tune..........2
    07 VI-20_perf-legato_tune-li........2
    08 VI-20_perf-legato_sul-G..........1

    01 VI-20_perf-trill_leg.................2

    01 VI-20_perf-rep_leg.................2
    02 VI-20_perf-rep_por.................2
    03 VI-20_perf-rep_spi.................2
    04 VI-20_perf-rep_harsh.............2

    all VI-20_fast-rep......................2

    01 VI-20_grace-runs..................2

  • Question herb... and I guess it goes for the other _4lvel legato patches. Are the two extra layers from the sustain patches, or how are they constructed? Thanks.

  • Thanks for the info Herb. But are you certain that there are only 2 layers for pfp and VI-20_dyn-me_cre? I could have sworn there were 2 layers.


  • christian i agree. the strings indeed sound great ... more

    herb, please make this buyable!

  • Can we please get single demo lines of the strings, single notes to have a listen too.

    I can understand that the enthusiasm is really big about the demo of Chris, but it sounds too rich to be able to really hear what the sound like...

    Demos please, Herb...

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    @Matt 1 said:

    Can we please get single demo lines of the strings, single notes to have a listen too.

    I can understand that the enthusiasm is really big about the demo of Chris, but it sounds too rich to be able to really hear what the sound like...

    Demos please, Herb...

    Like this? Still has verb and a few of my secret mixing tricks... But a completely dry demo makes little sense. These are suppose to be wet with passion! [:)]

    (ps. Last note sounds out of place without the other strings)